
Defines functions plot_position_heatmap.navr plot_position_heatmap plot_speed.navr plot_speed animate_path plot_path.navr plot_path create_minimal_plot create_void_plot

Documented in animate_path create_minimal_plot create_void_plot plot_path plot_path.navr plot_position_heatmap plot_position_heatmap.navr plot_speed plot_speed.navr

#' Creates empty plot with invisible theme to clearly plot paths and points
#' @return
#' @examples
create_void_plot <- function(){
  plt <- ggplot()
  plt <- plt + theme_void()

#' Returns blank plot
#' @return ggplot blank plot
#' @examples
create_minimal_plot <- function(){
  plt <- ggplot()
  plt <- plt + theme_minimal()

#' Plots path of dataset
#' @param obj valid object
#' @param ... optional ggplot parameters
#' @return
#' @export
#' @examples
plot_path <- function(obj, ...) {

#' plots the _x and _X coordinates
#' @param obj valid navr object
#' @param add_points if points should be explicitely noted on the path
#' @param ... optional ggplot parameters for the \code{\link{ggplot2::geom_path}}
#' @return ggplot
#' @export
#' @examples
plot_path.navr <- function(obj, add_points = FALSE, ...) {
  plt <- create_void_plot()
  plt$data <- obj$data[, "timestamp", drop = FALSE]
  plt <- plt + aes(timestamp) # allows for animations later
  #TODO - removes points that have surreal speeds
  plt <- plt + geom_navr_path(obj, add_points, ...)
  plt <- plt + geom_navr_limits(obj)

#' Animates plot built with plot_path function
#' @details Calls `transition_reveal` from the gganimate package to plot the path, but
#' @description The timing of the plot animation is built arount the plot$data$timestamp field,
#' which is added in the `plot_path` function. If you didn't create your plot in this way, you can either
#' add the field to the ggplot list data, or you can animate the path in a different way
#' @param plt Needs to have timestamp x value
#' @param ...
#' @return
#' @export
#' @import gganimate
#' @examples
animate_path <- function(plt, ...) {
  plt <- plt + gganimate::transition_reveal(plt$data$timestamp)

#' PLots speed values in time
#' @param obj valid object
#' @param scaling type of scaling to implement, possibilities are "none", "std", "minmax".
#' *Default* is "none"
#' @param constraints if the values should be scaled to certain values - needs numeric(2)
#' @param ... additional parameters for the \code{\link{ggplot::geom_line}}
#' @return ggplot plot
#' @export
#' @examples
plot_speed <- function(obj, scaling = "none", constraints = NULL, ...) {

#' PLots speed values in time
#' @describeIn plot_speed Plot speed values for the nvar object
#' @export
plot_speed.navr <- function(obj, scaling = "none", constraints = NULL, ...) {
  if(!has_column(obj$data, "speed")){
    stop("Cannot plot speeds. No speed column present. Have you
         run add_speeds function on your object?")
  plt <- create_minimal_plot() +
    geom_navr_obj_timeseries(obj, colname = "speed", scaling = scaling,
                             constraints = constraints, ...)

#' Plots position heatmap with given granularity
#' @param obj object
#' @param ... optional ggplot parameters
#' @param bins number of bins to segment the area
#' @return
#' @export
#' @examples
plot_position_heatmap <- function(obj, bins, ...) {

#' Plots position heatmap with given granularity
#' @param ... optional ggplot parameters
#' @param obj object
#' @param bins number of bins to segment the area
#' @return ggplot
#' @export
#' @examples
plot_position_heatmap.navr <- function(obj, bins = 25, ...){
  plt <- create_void_plot()
  plt <- plt + geom_navr_heatmap(obj, bins)
hejtmy/navr documentation built on Jan. 12, 2025, 5:09 p.m.