
##--- specifying green's functions

#' Greens function 1.
#' Function to compute the Greens function in two time points.
#' @param s Numeric value.
#' @param t Numeric value.
G1 = function(s, t)
  1/6 * (t-s)^3 * (t > s) - 1/6 * t^2 * (s-1)^2 * (2*s*t - 3*s + t)

#' Greens function 2.
#' Function to compute the Greens function in two time points.
#' @param s Numeric value.
#' @param t Numeric value.
G2 = function(s, t)
  1/6 * (t-s)^3 * (t > s) - 1/6 * t * (1-s) * (t^2 - 2*s + s^2)

#' Greens function 3.
#' Function to compute the Greens function in two time points.
#' @param s Numeric value.
#' @param t Numeric value.
G3 = function(s, t)
  1/6 * (t-s)^3 * (t > s) - 1/6 * t * (3*s^2 + t^2 - 6*s)

#' Greens function 4.
#' Function to compute the Greens function in two time points.
#' @param s Numeric value.
#' @param t Numeric value.
G4 = function(s, t)
  1/6 * (t-s)^3 * (t > s) - 1/12 * t*(s-1)^2*(s*t^2 + 2*t^2-3*s)

#' Greens function 5.
#' Function to compute the Greens function in two time points.
#' @param s Numeric value.
#' @param t Numeric value.
G5 = function(s, t)
  1/6 * (t-s)^3 * (t > s) - 1/12 * t^2 * (s-1) * (s^2*t - 3*s^2 - 2*s*t + 6*s - 2*t)

#' Greens function 6.
#' Function to compute the Greens function in two time points.
#' @param s Numeric value.
#' @param t Numeric value.
G6 = function(s, t)
  1/6 * (t-s)^3 * (t > s) - 1/12 * t^2 * (3*s^2 - 6*s + 2*t)

#' Greens function 7.
#' Function to compute the Greens function in two time points.
#' @param s Numeric value.
#' @param t Numeric value.
G7 = function(s, t)
  1/6 * (t-s)^3 * (t > s) + 1/12 * (s-1)^2 * (-3*t^2 + 2*s + 1)

#' Greens function 8.
#' Function to compute the Greens function in two time points.
#' @param s Numeric value.
#' @param t Numeric value.
G8 = function(s, t)
  1/6 * (t-s)^3 * (t > s) + 1/6 * (s-1)^2 * (s - 3*t + 2)

#' Greens function 9.
#' Function to compute the Greens function in two time points.
#' @param s Numeric value.
#' @param t Numeric value.
G9 = function(s, t)
  1/6 * (t-s)^3 * (t > s) + 1/6*t^2 * (3*s - t)

#' Greens function 10.
#' Function to compute the Greens function in two time points.
#' @param s Numeric value.
#' @param t Numeric value.
G10 = function(s, t)
  1/6 * (t-s)^3 * (t > s) + 1/6 * (s-1) * (s^2 + 3*t^2 - 2*s - 2)

##--- theta fit function

#' Spline function.
#' Function to fit the L2 spline using some Greens function.
#' @param t Numeric vector of evaluation times.
#' @param y Numeric vector to be fitted.
#' @param gfun Choice of Greens function.
#' @param x If numeric value then the L2 spline will be evaluated here.
#'          Otherwise it will be evaluated in t.
#' @param lambda Smoothness parameter.
#' @examples
#' t = generate.t(m = 25); y = generate.y()(t) + generate.noise(t, type = 2)
#' plot(t, y, col = "blue")
#' lines(t, thetafun(t, y, G9, lambda = 0.0001))
thetafun = function(t, y, gfun, x = Inf, lambda=0.001) {
  m = length(t)
  G = G0 = outer(t, t, gfun)
  if (any(x < Inf)) G0 = outer(t, x, gfun)
  return(apply(G0, 2, function(G0)
    G0 %*% solve(G + lambda * diag(m), y)))
helenecharlotte/rSplines documentation built on May 17, 2019, 3:24 p.m.