
Defines functions removing_and_randomizing

Documented in removing_and_randomizing

removing_and_randomizing <- function(network, index, network_level = "higher", sums_to_preserve = "both", datatype = "list", nreplicates = 1000) {

  #' calculates how much of a network's perceived structure is due to the influence of a given species
  #' This function removes each species in turn, randomizing the resulting matrix and returning the
  #' desired metric value for the resulting random subnetworks
  #' @param network Your input object
  #' @param index The network-level metric, from bipartite, which you desire to be calculated
  #' @param network_level The network level to be removing and randomizing. Currently only 'higher' works
  #' @param sums_to_preserve preserve sums of columns, rows, or both
  #' @param datatype is it a matrix of interactions, or a list of matrixes?
  #' @param nreplicates How many iterations of the randomisation should be done per species removal
  #' @return gives a dataset of values when you remove a species from a network, and the values obtained
  #' when randomising this subnetwork
  #' @examples
  #' mat <- matrix(nrow =10, ncol =10, sample(c(0,1), 100, prob = c(0.6, 0.4), replace = T))
  #' removing_and_randomizing(network = mat, index = 'modularity', datatype = 'matrix')
  #' @export

  call_reduce <- function(net, ind, network_level = "higher", sums_to_preserve = "both", datatype = "list") {
    if (!datatype %in% c("matrix", "list")) {
      stop("error, datatype can only be matrix or list")
    if (datatype == "matrix") {
      out <- lapply(colnames(net), function(x) reduce_and_randomize(sp = x, net = net, index_used = ind))
      out <- do.call(rbind, out)
    if (datatype == "list") {
      # Make a list of lists, where each item at the first level corresponds to a network, at the second to an output from reduce_and_randomize
      out_list_1 <- lapply(nets, function(n) lapply(colnames(n), function(x) reduce_and_randomize(sp = x, net = n, index_used = ind)))

      # Collapse down the nested list to a regular list
      out_list_2 <- lapply(out_list_1, function(x) do.call(rbind, x))

      # Give the list items their network names prior to rbinding them
      for (i in 1:length(out_list_2)) {
        out_list_2[[i]]$network <- names(out_list_2)[i]

      out <- do.call(rbind, out_list_2)
      colnames(out)[2] <- "actual"

  reduce_and_randomize <- function(sp, net, index_used, network_level = "higher", sums_to_preserve = "both") {
    # This function removes a single specified column, randomizes the matrix, calculates a given metric,
    # Then returns the values

    # Remove the desired column from the network
    sp_col <- which(colnames(net) == sp)
    sub_net <- net[, -sp_col]
    # Calculate the 'actual' value for when that species is missing

    if (index_used != "modularity") {
      actual <- networklevel(sub_net, index = index_used, level = network_level)
      # Calculate the random values
      rand_vals <- replicate(nreplicates, bipartite::networklevel(vegan::permatswap(sub_net, fixedmar = sums_to_preserve, mtype = "count", times = 1, method = "quasiswap")$perm[[1]],
        index = index_used, level = network_level
    if (index_used == "modularity") {
      actual <- slot(bipartite::computeModules(web = sub_net), "likelihood")

      rand_vals <- replicate(nreplicates, slot(bipartite::computeModules(web = vegan::permatswap(sub_net, fixedmar = sums_to_preserve, mtype = "count", times = 1, method = "quasiswap")$perm[[1]]), "likelihood"))

    quants <- quantile(rand_vals, probs = c(0.025, 0.975))

    df <- data.frame(rand_vals, "actual" = as.numeric(actual), sp, "lower" = as.numeric(quants[1]), "upper" = as.numeric(quants[2]), index_used)


  outdf <- call_reduce(net = network, ind = index, network_level = network_level, sums_to_preserve = sums_to_preserve, datatype = datatype)

hemprichbennett/netReducer documentation built on Aug. 11, 2019, 6:48 a.m.