autoplot.bt_post | An autoplot (ggplot2) method for objects of class "bt_post".... |
autoplot.bt_stones | An autoplot method for the class "bt_stones". Plots a bayes... |
branchColours | branchColours Generates the edge colours to colour edges by... |
compPosts | compPosts |
createCounts | createCounts Creates the counts table for the rjpp. |
funLegend | funLegend Generate some interesting legend labels. |
generateTrans | generateTrans Generate the transparencies from data and... |
getAncStates | getAncStates Reads the ancestral states from a posterior... |
getDescs | getDescs |
getMRCAbtr | getMRCAbtr |
getPL | getPL Gets the path length from the root to the position of a... |
getPostStats | getPostStats |
getStones | getStones |
getTaxa | getTaxa |
getTipNames | getTipNames |
ggAutoCor | ggAutoCor |
ggHist | ggHist |
ggRunmean | ggRunmean |
ggTrace | ggTrace |
ilapply | ilapply an invisible version of lapply |
isapply | isapply an invisible version of sapply |
legendInfo | legendInfo Generates legend info for colour scale legends |
loadPosterior | loadPosterior |
loadRJ | loadRJ |
makeInfile | makeInfile Takes a tree and some data, ladderizes the tree,... |
makeKey | sharedBranches |
makeLegendTitle | makeLegendTitle Generates legend title for scale bars. |
makeTrans | makeTrans |
mcmcPlots | mcmcPlots |
modeStat | modeStat Calculate the mode. |
multiplyNodes | multiplyNodes Works out the cumulative effect of linear... |
plot.ancstates | a print method for class ancstates. |
plot.bt_post | A plot method for the class "bt_post" that invokes the... |
plot.bt_stones | A plot method for the class "bt_stones" that invokes the... |
plotPhylo | plotPhylo |
plot.rjpp | a plot method for class rjpp. |
plotShapes | plotShapes Generates the node labels, edge.colours and... |
plotShifts | plotShifts |
plot.trees_summary | A plot method for the class "trees_summary" - the default... |
print.ancstates | a plot method for class ancstates |
print.bt_post | A print method for class bt_post Displays some descriptive... |
print.rjpp | A print method for the class "rjpp". |
print.spkey | A print method for the class "spkey" |
print.trees_summary | Print function for the S3 class trees_summary |
rjpp | rjpp |
scalarSearch | scalarSearch Searches through the posterior of an RJ... |
scaleTree | scaleTree Scales the tree for plotting |
shapeCols | shapeCols Generates colours for shapes for either node or... |
sharedBranches | sharedBranches |
smartBind | smartBind |
summariseRjpp | summariseRjpp This functions takes the somewhat massive... |
summariseTrees | summariseTrees |
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