#' Download PNAD files and read them.
#' @param year A year must be provided.
#' @param design TRUE if you want a survey object, FALSE if you want a dataframe.
#' @param vars Selected variables
#' @param hh_only If TRUE, will skip person data, using just household data.
#' @return A survey object or a tibble.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Download PNAD 2015
#' pnad2015 <- pnad_get(year = 2015)
#' # Select just the variable V8005 for PNAD 2008
#' pnad2008 <- pnad_get(year = 2008, vars = c("V8005"))
#' }
#' @importFrom utils download.file unzip
pnad_get <- function(year, design = TRUE, vars = NULL, hh_only = FALSE) {
# A year must be provided
stopifnot("You must select an year" = !missing(year))
# List required files
download_links <- pnad_list(files = TRUE, year = year)
for (download_link in download_links) {
temp_file <- file.path(tempdir(), basename(download_link))
temp_dir <- file.path(tempdir(), "unzip")
utils::download.file(url = download_link, destfile = temp_file)
# Extract files
zip::unzip(temp_file, junkpaths = TRUE, exdir = temp_dir)
# Remove files that won't be necessary
file.remove(grep("((input |sas_)?(pes|dom)(soa|icilio)?\\d{2}(\\d{2})?\\.txt|dicio.*\\.xls)",
list.files(path = temp_dir, full.names = TRUE),
ignore.case = TRUE,
value = TRUE,
invert = TRUE))
hh_file_df <- file.path(temp_dir,
ignore.case = TRUE,
value = TRUE))
hh_file_input <- file.path(temp_dir,
ignore.case = TRUE,
value = TRUE))
# Check if person data will be skiped
if (hh_only == FALSE) {
prs_file_df <- file.path(temp_dir,
ignore.case = TRUE,
value = TRUE))
prs_file_input <- file.path(temp_dir,
ignore.case = TRUE,
value = TRUE))
pnad <- pnad_read(hh_data = hh_file_df, hh_input = hh_file_input,
prs_data = prs_file_df, prs_input = prs_file_input,
vars = vars)
} else {
pnad <- pnad_read(hh_data = hh_file_df, hh_file_input, vars = vars)
# Remove used files
file.remove(list.files(temp_dir, full.names = TRUE))
# Check if must return a survey object
if (design == TRUE) {
pnad <- pnad_design(pnad)
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