Man pages for hmito/hmRLib
Helper library for numerical analysis with R

as_os_style_pathReturn the raw file path based on the OS path system.
cacheCache expression result
callstack_infoCreate callstack data at the point this function is called
callstack_messageCreate callstack message from callstack data
callstack_traceCreate callstack data at last error
catchCatch and execute function.
catch_eitherTry excute function which might throw exception.
cold.colorsCreate cold color set.
countReturn counted number which is matched to the argument
count_rowReturn counted number which is matched to the any argument in...
cud.colorsetCUD v3 color set as the color universal design
cud.palleteCUD v3 color palette as the color universal design
datestr_formatformatting datastr table to string.
datestr_format_fullformatting date string
datestr_format_full.fullcodeformatting date string
datestr_hard_cordingconvert script
datestr_to_ymdtransform string to ymd data table.
date_to_weeknoCalculate weekno from Date
distlim_hclust_clusteringCategorize multi dimension data based on the relative...
distlim_kmeans_clusteringCategorize multi dimension data based on the relative...
eitherReturn y if x satisfies given condition, otherwise return x
ensureReturn y if x does not exist, otherwise return x
error_pointsAdd points with error bars
escape_mdEscape all markdown character.
escape_regexEscape all regex character.
executeExecute given exe file with arguments.
file.abspathReturn absolute path
file.atReturn function which generate absolute path of the focal...
file.backupBackup given file
file.dirGet directory of file
file.extGet file extension
file.foutgenerate file output
file.is_abspathCheck whether the given path is absolute path or not.
file.nameGet file name without extension
file.remove_dirGet file name with extension
file.remove_extGet dir and name without extension
file.replace_extReplace without extension
find_allReturn list of index of from which is matched to the argument
find_all_rowReturn list of row in fromMD in any of which is matched to...
find_firstReturn index of from which is firstly matched to the argument
find_first_rowReturn list of first row in fromMD in any of which is matched...
find_uniqueReturn index of from which is uniquely matched to the...
find_unique_rowReturn list of unique row in fromMD in any of which is...
formatted_outputcreate output function list.
get_cross_pointGet cross point between two segments
get_os_nameGet OS name.
green.colorsCreate green color set.
has_cross_pointCheck if the segment seg1 is cross with seg2
hist_axis_translateTranslate axis of histgram sequence into another axis
hist_find_peaks.minvalueFind peaks in given histgram by truncing at a threshold...
hist_find_peaks.slopeFind peaks in given histgram by checking the valley of the...
hist_smoothingSmoothing histgram sequence by using simple moving average...
home_pathReturn home path.
image_polygonAdd polygon on image
is_exceptionCheck whether the argument is exception
is_interactiveCheck interactive mode.
is_on_linuxCheck if the program run on the Linux-base or windows from...
jpera_to_dateget Date type from Japanese Era name
jpera_to_y2strtransform Japanese-Era string into AD-year string with two...
jpera_to_ystrtransform Japanese-Era string into AD-year string.
match.order<Deprecated> Return index numbers of the target sequence...
match.order.reduce<Deprecated> Return reduced value by the given target...
matlab.palletematlab color palette as the color universal design
matrix_from_funcCreate matrix from function
matrix_from_func.nonseqargCreate matrix from function without vector argument support.
matrix_naCreate matrix with NA
midsReturn vector of the mid points of the argument
minmaxhist_to_histTranslate histgram matrix with min values and max values to a...
new_envgenerate new environment with arglist.
newton_planerootFind root points on x-y plane by using newton method
newton_rootFind root of a function using combination of small_step...
os_notificationThrow toast as the OS notification
pd.meanReturn mean value of the probability distribution
pd.medianReturn median of the probability distribution
pd.skewnessReturn skewness of the probability distribution
pd.varReturn variance of the probability distribution
plot.nullDraw plot without any data
rand_charGenerate random character sequences
rb.colorsCreate red-blue color set.
reduce_colsreduce multiple columns into single column.
reload_packagereload all packages which have been loaded in any...
remove.naRemove na elements from sequences.
replace_byReplace elements by other values
replace_by_thresholdSelect elements depending on thresholds
reserve_colsreserve columns with the given names in the table
run_as_filedrop_scriptRun as Rscript with dragged files
runge_kutta_dopri5_adaptive_stepControlled stepper with Runge-Kutta Dormand-Prince5 method
runge_kutta_dopri5_stepStepper with Runge-Kutta Dormand-Prince5 method
runge_kutta_fehlberg45_adaptive_stepControlled stepper with Runge-Kutta Fehlberg4(5) method
runge_kutta_fehlberg45_stepStepper with Runge-Kutta Fehlberg4(5) method
runge_kutta_heuneuler_adaptive_stepControlled stepper with Runge-Kutta Fehlberg4(5) method
runge_kutta_heuneuler_stepStepper with Runge-Kutta Heun-Euler method
run_rscriptExecute given Rscript file with arguments.
save_plotSave plot expression into laster/vector files
search_cross_pointFind equal points from point groups.
search_equal_pointFind equal points from point groups.
seq_naCreate sequence with NA
show_callstack_traceShow callstack info at last error
small_step_planerootFind root points on x-y plane by using small step method
small_step_planeroot_from_matrixFind root points on x-y plane from logical matrix and x,y...
small_step_rootFind root of a function using small_step method
solve_numericsolve stable fraction numerically
source_cppsource C++ code from a file with include/library path.
source_rread R code from a file, with changing directory.
source_rscriptread and run R script code from a file, with changing...
start_ownselfExecute ownself in parallel with arguments.
start_rscriptExecute given Rscript file in parallel with arguments.
str_alphabet_to_hanReplace zenkaku-alphabet by hankaku-alphabet
str_eitherReturn y if x is NA or empty character, otherwise return x
str_first_appearWherher the given string appear first time in the given...
str_kana_to_zenReplace hankaku-kana by zenkaku-kana
str_number_to_hanReplace zenkaku-number by hankaku-number
str_remove_dakutenRemove daku-on, han-daku-on
str_similarCheck similarity of given string with target.
str_similar_pairCheck similarity pair of given string with themselves.
str_symbol_to_hanReplace zenkaku-symbol by hankaku-symbol
str_to_hanReplace zenkaku alphabet, number and symbols by hankaku
throwThrow exception
to_triangleChange axis for triangle diagram.
triangle_linesPlot lines on triangle diagram.
triangle_plotPlot for triangle diagram.
triangle_pointsPlot points on triangle diagram.
triangle_textPlot text on triangle diagram.
triangle_vectormapPlot triangle vector map.
try_Try execute function which might throw exception.
try_catchTry excute function which might throw exception.
try_eitherTry and catch_either.
unescape_mdUnescape all markdown character.
unescape_regexUnescape all regex character.
vector_fieldPlot vector field for 2D. Length is the strength of the...
vector_field.colorPlot vector field for 2D. Color is the strength of the...
vector_field_from_funcPlot vector field for 2D. Length is the strength of the...
vector_field_from_func.colorPlot vector field for 2D. Color is the strength of the...
warnings_messageCreate warning message from warnings data
weekno_originReturn weekno orogin date
weekno_to_dateCalculate date range from week number
weekno_to_firstdateCalculate first date from week number
ymd_eq_greatercompare two ymd by equal_or_greater
ymd_eq_lesscompare two ymd by equal_or_less
ymd_equlcompare two ymd by equal
ymd_greatercompare two ymd by greater
ymd_includecheck whether given ymd is included in the given range
ymd_lesscompare two ymd by less
ymd_to_datestrtransform ymd data table to string.
ymd_to_weeknoCalculate weekno from Year, month and Day
yw_to_weeknoCalculate weekno from year and week number on the year.
hmito/hmRLib documentation built on Sept. 8, 2024, 4:49 p.m.