
Defines functions str2vec vec2str

## string_fun.R  | i2ds
## hn | uni.kn | 2022 06 23

# Functions for manipulating/transforming character strings: ------ 

# vec2str: Turn a vector of symbols into a character string: ------

# (See collapse_chars() AND chars_to_text() in ds4psy package.)

vec2str <- function(v) {
  paste(v, collapse = "")
  # Note: Simply using paste(v, collapse = "") loses all spaces.
  #       ds4psy::chars_to_text() preserves spaces. 
} # vec2str(). 

# str2vec: Turn a character string into a vector (of 1-symbol character elements): ------ 

# (See text_to_chars() in ds4psy package.)

str2vec <- function(s){
  unlist(strsplit(s, split = ""))  # assumes ONLY 1-symbol elements/digits
} # str2vec(). 

## ToDo: ------

# - etc.

## eof. ----------
hneth/i2ds documentation built on Jan. 25, 2024, 2:22 p.m.