init_pal: Initialize basic color information.

View source: R/init_pal.R

init_palR Documentation

Initialize basic color information.


init_pal initializes basic color information (i.e., all colors corresponding to functional roles in the current scenario and used throughout the riskyr package).


  N_col = pal_def["N"],
  cond_true_col = pal_def["cond_true"],
  cond_false_col = pal_def["cond_false"],
  dec_pos_col = pal_def["dec_pos"],
  dec_neg_col = pal_def["dec_neg"],
  dec_cor_col = pal_def["dec_cor"],
  dec_err_col = pal_def["dec_err"],
  hi_col = pal_def["hi"],
  mi_col = pal_def["mi"],
  fa_col = pal_def["fa"],
  cr_col = pal_def["cr"],
  PPV_col = pal_def["ppv"],
  NPV_col = pal_def["npv"],
  txt_col = pal_def["txt"],
  bg_col = pal_def["bg"],
  brd_col = pal_def["brd"]



Color representing the population of N cases or individuals.


Color representing cases of cond_true, for which the current condition is TRUE.


Color representing cases of in cond_false, for which the current condition is FALSE.


Color representing cases of dec_pos, for which the current decision is positive.


Color representing cases in dec_neg, for which the current decision is negative.


Color representing cases of correct decisions dec_cor, for which the current decision is accurate.


Color representing cases in erroneous decisions dec_err, for which the current decision is inaccurate.


Color representing hits or true positives in hi (i.e., correct cases for which the current condition is TRUE and the decision is positive).


Color representing misses or false negatives in mi (i.e., incorrect cases for which the current condition is TRUE but the decision is negative).


Color representing false alarms or false positives in fa (i.e., incorrect cases for which the current condition is FALSE but the decision is positive).


Color representing correct rejections or true negatives in cr (i.e., correct cases for which the current condition is FALSE and the decision is negative).


Color representing positive predictive values PPV (i.e., the conditional probability that the condition is TRUE, provided that the decision is positive).


Color representing negative predictive values NPV (i.e., the conditional probability that the condition is FALSE, provided that the decision is negative).


Color used for text labels.


Background color of plot (used to set par(bg = bg_col)).


Color used for borders (e.g., around bars or boxes).


All color information of the current scenario is stored as named colors in a list pal. init_pal allows changing colors by assigning new colors to existing names.

See Also

num contains basic numeric parameters; init_num initializes basic numeric parameters; txt contains current text information; init_txt initializes text information; pal contains current color information; init_pal initializes color information; freq contains current frequency information; comp_freq computes current frequency information; prob contains current probability information; comp_prob computes current probability information.

Other functions initializing scenario information: init_num(), init_txt(), riskyr()


init_pal()          # => define and return a vector of current (default) colors
length(init_pal())  # => 15 named colors
pal <- init_pal(N_col = "steelblue4")  # => change a color (stored in pal)
pal <- init_pal(brd_col = NA)          # => remove a color

hneth/riskyr documentation built on May 25, 2024, 4:17 p.m.