parking: Territoriality in Parking

parkingR Documentation

Territoriality in Parking


A study of how long it takes a driver to vacate his/her spot in a parking lot.


A data frame with 237 observations on the following 12 variables.


The type of car that was waiting for the parking spot (or that just drove by). Either a Nissan Maxima, a Lexus or an Infinity Q45. The car is "confronting" the parked car, hence the name of the variable.


Sex of the driver of the parked car.


Race of the driver of the parked car.


Number of people in the parked car (including the driver).


The waiting car either did not intrude on the parked car at all, intruded only slightly by driving by, or stopped near the parking spot and waited. In that case the waiting car either honked the horn once, or did not honk at all.


Book value of the parked car, in dollars.


Month in which the incident occurred.


Day of the week on which the incident occurred.


Time at which the incident occurred, in military units. For example, 1130 denotes 11:30AM, while 1350 denotes for 1:50PM.


Time in seconds for the parked car to depart the parking spot.


Status of the waiting "confronting" car. The Maxima is considered a low-status car, whereas the Lexus and Infinity Q45 are expensive, "high-status" cars.


Difference in value between the confronting car and the parked car, in dollars. The values of the confronting cars were s follows: Maxima: 5200, Lexus: 43000, Infinity Q45: 57000.


This is almost the orginal data. B. Ruback indicates (personal communication) that three observations are missing and cannot be recovered at the present time.


"Territorial Defense in Parking Lots: Retaliation Against Waiting Drivers", B. Ruback and D. Juieng, Journal of Applied Social Psychology, Volume 27, Issue 9, May 1997, pp. 821-834. Provided by B. Ruback.

homerhanumat/tigerData documentation built on Feb. 15, 2025, 7:41 p.m.