extract_data: Extract data

extract_dataR Documentation

Extract data


extract_data() takes an epw_cmip6_coord object generated using match_coord() and extracts CMIP6 data using the coordinates and years of interest specified.


  years = NULL,
  unit = FALSE,
  out_dir = NULL,
  by = NULL,
  keep = is.null(out_dir),
  compress = 100



An epw_cmip6_coord object created using match_coord()


An integer vector indicating the target years to be included in the data file. All other years will be excluded. If NULL, no subsetting on years will be performed. Default: NULL.


If TRUE, units will be added to values using units::set_units().


The directory to save extracted data using fst::write_fst(). If NULL, all data will be kept in memory by default. Default: NULL.


A character vector of variable names used to split data during extraction. Should be a subset of:

  • "experiment": root experiment identifiers

  • "source": model identifiers

  • "variable": variable identifiers

  • "activity": activity identifiers

  • "frequency": sampling frequency

  • "variant": variant label

  • "resolution": approximate horizontal resolution

If NULL and out_dir is given, file name data.fst will be used. Default: NULL.


Whether keep extracted data in memory. Default: TRUE if out_dir is NULL, and FALSE otherwise.


A single integer in the range 0 to 100, indicating the amount of compression to use. Lower values mean larger file sizes. Default: 100.


extract_data() supports common calendars, including ⁠365_day⁠ and ⁠360_day⁠, thanks to the PCICt package.

extract_data() uses future.apply underneath. You can use your preferable future backend to speed up data extraction in parallel. By default, extract_data() uses future::sequential backend, which runs things in sequential.


An epw_cmip6_data object, which is basically a list of 3 elements:

  • epw: An eplusr::Epw object whose longitude and latitude are used to extract CMIP6 data. It is the same object as created in match_coord()

  • meta: A list containing basic metadata of input EPW, including city, state_province, country, latitude and longitude.

  • data: An empty data.table::data.table() if keep is FALSE or a data.table::data.table() of 14 columns if keep is TRUE:

    No. Column Type Description
    1 activity_drs Character Activity DRS (Data Reference Syntax)
    2 institution_id Character Institution identifier
    3 source_id Character Model identifier
    4 experiment_id Character Root experiment identifier
    5 member_id Character A compound construction from sub_experiment_id and variant_label
    6 table_id Character Table identifier
    7 lon Double Longitude of extracted location
    8 lat Double Latitude of extracted location
    9 dist Double The spherical distance in km between EPW location and grid coordinates
    10 datetime POSIXct Datetime for the predicted value
    11 variable Character Variable identifier
    12 description Character Variable long name
    13 units Character Units of variable
    14 value Double The actual predicted value


## Not run: 
coord <- match_coord("path_to_an_EPW")
extract_data(coord, years = 2030:2060)

## End(Not run)

hongyuanjia/epwshiftr documentation built on March 14, 2024, 9:17 a.m.