Man pages for houyunhuang/ggcor
Extended tools for correlation analysis and visualization

anno_barBar and boxplot annotation
anno_hc_rectSquare annotation
anno_heatmapHeatmap annotation
anno_linkLink annotation
anno_networkNetwork annotation
anno_treeAnnotation for correlation matrix plot
as_cor_networkCoerce to a cor_network object
as_cor_tblCoerce to a cor_tbl object
as_igraphCorece to a igraph object
as_tbl_graphCorece to a graph_tbl object
calc_relimpRelative importance
colour-palColour pal
cor_networkTidy co-occurrence network data
corrlateMatrix of Correlations, P-values and confidence intervals
cor_tblCreate a cor_tbl object
display_corDisplay correlation matrix with nice format
dplot_utilsDecoration plot
expand_axisExpand axis limits
export_cor_networkOutput co-network object
extract_cor_tblHelper function to extract cor_tbl.
fortify_corConvert to cor_tbl based on input type.convert
gcor_tblCreate a general cor_tbl object
geom_circle2Circle Geom
geom_colourColour Geom
geom_confboxConfident-Box Geom
geom_crossCross Geom
geom_curve2Curve layer
geom_diag_labelAdd diagnoal labels on correlation plot
geom_ellipse2Ellipse Geom
geom_markSignificant marks Geom
geom_numberFormat number Geom
geom_panel_gridAdd panel grid line on correlation plot
geom_ringRing Geom
geom_segment2Segment2 layer
geom_shadeShade Geom
geom_squareSquare Geom
geom_starStar Geom
get_attrHelper function for cor_tbl
get_dataCreate cor_tbl extractor function
get_orderExtract order
ggcorCreate a correlation plot
ggcor_packagesggcor: Extended tools for correlation analysis and...
liner_transScale continuous
link_tblTransform data base on different layout
mantel_testMantel test
matrix_orderReorder Matrices
position_shift_dodgeDodge position with some shift
position_shift_dodge2Dodge2 position with some shift
position_shift_identityidentity position with some shift
position_shift_stackPisition function with some shift
print.correlatePrint correlate object.
procrutes_helperHelper functions for procrutes test
procrutes_testProcrutes test for dissimilarity matrices
qheatmapQuick heatmap
quickcorPlot Correlation Matrix Quickly
rand_correlateMake dataset
random_forestRandom forests
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
remove_axisRemove axis elements.
scale_colourColour scales for correlation plot
scale_radiusScale radius
set_axisSet axis labels
set_scaleSet scale
theme_corCreate the default ggcor theme
houyunhuang/ggcor documentation built on July 22, 2020, 8:31 p.m.