
Defines functions r2hpcc.ExecutePreparedSQL r2hpcc.ExecutePreparedSQL2

Documented in r2hpcc.ExecutePreparedSQL r2hpcc.ExecutePreparedSQL2

#' This method executes a previously created parameterized SQL query.
#' @param conn - HPCC connection information
#' @param workunitId - The Workunit ID (WUID)
#' @param variables - List of pairs(name, value) to replace placeholders in prepared SQL
#' @param supressResults - If set to 1 or true, query results are not included in response
#' @param suppressXMLSchema - If set to 1 or true, the query result schema is not included in response
#' @param timeout - Timeout value in milliseconds. Use -1 for no timeout
#' @param resultWindowStart - For use with page-loading, the starting record to return
#' @param resultWindowCount - For use with page-loading, the number of records to include from the ResultWindowStart
#' @return Workunit result
#' @export
r2hpcc.ExecutePreparedSQL <- function(conn, workunitId, variables = NULL, supressResults = 0, suppressXMLSchema = 1, timeout = -1, resultWindowStart = 0, resultWindowCount = 0)
	host <- conn[1]
	targetCluster <- conn[2]
	userId <- conn[3]
	password <- conn[4]

	debugMode <- conn[6]
	WsSQLPort <- conn[7]

	body <- ""
	body <- paste('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
								 <soap:Envelope xmlns="urn:hpccsystems:ws:wssql" xmlns:SOAP-ENC="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/" xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
								 <WuId>', workunitId, '</WuId>
								 <UserName>', userId, '</UserName>
								 <TargetCluster>', targetCluster, '</TargetCluster>
								 <SuppressResults>', supressResults, '</SuppressResults>
								 <SuppressXmlSchema>', suppressXMLSchema, '</SuppressXmlSchema>
								 <Wait>', timeout, '</Wait>
								 <ResultWindowStart>', resultWindowStart, '</ResultWindowStart>
								 <ResultWindowCount>', resultWindowCount, '</ResultWindowCount>', sep="")

	if (!is.null(variables) & length(variables) > 0)
		body <- paste(body, '<Variables>', sep="")
		for (name in names(variables))
			body <- paste(body, '<NamedValue>
													<Name>', name, '</Name>
													<Value>', variables[[name]], '</Value>
													</NamedValue>', sep="")
		body <- paste(body, '</Variables>', sep="")

	body <- paste(body, '</ExecutePreparedSQLRequest>
								 </soap:Envelope>', sep="")

	txt <- r2hpcc.HTTPRequest(host, userId, password, "ExecutePreparedSQL", body,WsSQLPort)

	if (debugMode == TRUE)
		print("DEBUG Message <SOAP Response>:")

	# Check for exception
	resp <- r2hpcc.Exception(conn, txt)

	# Query Proccessed successfully
	if (nchar(resp) == 0)
		newlst <- xmlParse(txt)
		layout <- getNodeSet(newlst, "//*[local-name()='Result']",
								namespaces = xmlNamespaceDefinitions(newlst, simplify = TRUE))

		if (debugMode == TRUE)
			print("DEBUG Message <Result node>:")

		colLayout <<- layout[[1]]
		l1 <<- xmlToList(colLayout)

		if (debugMode == TRUE)
			print("DEBUG Message <Result node converted to list>:")

		#get the row count
		rCount <- l1[2]$Dataset$Row$WSSQLSelectQueryResultCount

		# Remove the attrib element from the list (drop element from index marked with -) 
		l1 <- l1[1]$Dataset[-length(l1[1]$Dataset)]

		if (debugMode == TRUE)

		df<-do.call(rbind.data.frame, l1)
		row.names(df) <- NULL

#' This method executes a previously created parameterized SQL query.
#' @param conn - HPCC connection information
#' @param workunitId - The Workunit ID (WUID)
#' @param variables - List of pairs(name, value) to replace placeholders in prepared SQL
#' @param supressResults - If set to 1 or true, query results are not included in response
#' @param suppressXMLSchema - If set to 1 or true, the query result schema is not included in response
#' @param timeout - Timeout value in milliseconds. Use -1 for no timeout
#' @param resultWindowStart - For use with page-loading, the starting record to return
#' @param resultWindowCount - For use with page-loading, the number of records to include from the ResultWindowStart
#' @return Workunit details
#' @export
r2hpcc.ExecutePreparedSQL2 <- function(conn, workunitId, variables = NULL, supressResults = 0, suppressXMLSchema = 1, timeout = -1, resultWindowStart = 0, resultWindowCount = 0)
	host <- conn[1]
	targetCluster <- conn[2]
	userId <- conn[3]
	password <- conn[4]

	debugMode <- conn[6]

	body <- ""
	body <- paste('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
					<soap:Envelope xmlns="urn:hpccsystems:ws:wssql" xmlns:SOAP-ENC="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/" xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
					<WuId>', workunitId, '</WuId>
					<UserName>', userId, '</UserName>
					<TargetCluster>', targetCluster, '</TargetCluster>
					<SuppressResults>', supressResults, '</SuppressResults>
					<SuppressXmlSchema>', suppressXMLSchema, '</SuppressXmlSchema>
					<Wait>', timeout, '</Wait>
					<ResultWindowStart>', resultWindowStart, '</ResultWindowStart>
					<ResultWindowCount>', resultWindowCount, '</ResultWindowCount>', sep="")

	if (!is.null(variables) & length(variables) > 0)
		body <- paste(body, '<Variables>', sep="")
		for (name in names(variables))
			body <- paste(body, '<NamedValue>
								<Name>', name, '</Name>
								<Value>', variables[[name]], '</Value>
								</NamedValue>', sep="")
		body <- paste(body, '</Variables>', sep="")

	body <- paste(body, '</ExecutePreparedSQLRequest>
						</soap:Envelope>', sep="")

	txt <- r2hpcc.HTTPRequest(host, userId, password, "ExecutePreparedSQL", body)

	if (debugMode == TRUE)
		print("DEBUG Message <SOAP Response>:")

	# Check for exception
	resp <- r2hpcc.Exception(conn, txt)

	# Query Proccessed successfully
	if (nchar(resp) == 0)
		newlst <- xmlParse(txt)
		layout <- getNodeSet(newlst, "//*[local-name()='Workunit']",
								namespaces = xmlNamespaceDefinitions(newlst, simplify = TRUE))

		if (debugMode == TRUE)
			print("DEBUG Message <Workunit node>:")

		colLayout <<- layout[[1]]
		l1 <<- xmlToList(colLayout)

		if (debugMode == TRUE)
			print("DEBUG Message <Workunit node converted to list>:")

		colLayout <<- layout[[1]]
		l1 <<- xmlToList(colLayout)

		if (debugMode == TRUE)
			print("DEBUG Message <Workunit node converted to list>:")

		l2 <- data.frame(Wuid = r2hpcc.NVL(l1$Wuid), Owner = r2hpcc.NVL(l1$Owner), Cluster = r2hpcc.NVL(l1$Cluster), Jobname = r2hpcc.NVL(l1$Jobname), StateID = r2hpcc.NVL(l1$StateID), Protected = r2hpcc.NVL(l1$Protected), DateTimeScheduled = r2hpcc.NVL(l1$DateTimeScheduled), Snapshot = r2hpcc.NVL(l1$Snapshot), Query = r2hpcc.NVL(l1$Query))
hpcc-systems/r2hpcc documentation built on May 17, 2019, 4:53 p.m.