Man pages for hrbrmstr/mactheknife
Various 'macOS'-oriented Tools and Utilities

airport_scanScan for available wireless network (requires Wi-Fi enabled...
applescriptExecute AppleScript and Return Results
check_notarizationCheck application notarization info
check_sigCheck application signature/notarization information
find_dsstoreFind and optionally remove '.DS_Store' files on a...
get_app_infoRetrieve iTunes info about a give app (via bundle id)
kernel_stateRetrieve kernel state information
loggerLog a message to the macOS logging system (searchable from...
mactheknifeRead 'macOS' .DS_Store' Files
mdlsReturn a data frame of macOS Spotlight Metadata Attributes...
read_dsstoreRead a '.DS_Store' from a file/URL
read_plistRead a macOS property list file
resolve_aliasResolve macOS Alias Files to POSIX path strings
software_update_historyRetrieve Software Update history
src_knowledgeCSource the 'knowledgeC.db' on the local system
sw_versRetrieve macOS Operating System Version Information
system_profileReport system hardware and software configuration
hrbrmstr/mactheknife documentation built on Feb. 17, 2020, 7:09 p.m.