shodan is an R package interface to the Shodan API.

NOTE that the Shodan Streaming API function are not implemented.

Also, most of the functions return list data structures given the nested structure of the Shodan query results. Functions like shodan_ports() will sanely return simple vectors and others like shodan_protocols() will return plain data.frames. I am very open to collaboration to ensure the return types are as useful to callers. File an issue or e-mail/tweet me if interested.

The package expects SHODAN_API_KEY to be in the environment and the easiest way to do that is to stick it in your .Renviron file.

The following functions are implemented:




library(tibble) # for printing

# current verison
#> [1] ''

#>   [1]     7    11    13    15    17    19    21    22    23    25    26    37    49    53    69    70    79    80    81
#>  [20]    82    83    84    88   102   104   110   111   113   119   123   129   137   143   161   175   179   195   311
#>  [39]   389   443   444   445   465   500   502   503   515   520   523   554   587   623   626   631   636   666   771
#>  [58]   789   873   902   992   993   995  1010  1023  1025  1099  1177  1200  1234  1311  1400  1434  1471  1515  1521
#>  [77]  1599  1604  1723  1741  1777  1883  1900  1911  1962  1991  2000  2067  2081  2082  2083  2086  2087  2123  2152
#>  [96]  2181  2222  2323  2332  2375  2376  2379  2404  2455  2480  2628  3000  3001  3128  3260  3283  3299  3306  3310
#> [115]  3386  3388  3389  3460  3541  3542  3689  3702  3749  3780  3784  3790  4000  4022  4040  4063  4064  4070  4369
#> [134]  4443  4444  4500  4567  4664  4730  4782  4786  4800  4840  4848  4911  4949  5000  5001  5006  5007  5008  5009
#> [153]  5060  5094  5222  5269  5353  5357  5432  5555  5560  5577  5601  5632  5672  5683  5800  5801  5858  5900  5901
#> [172]  5938  5984  5985  5986  6000  6001  6379  6664  6666  6667  6881  6969  7071  7218  7474  7547  7548  7657  7777
#> [191]  7779  8000  8001  8008  8009  8010  8060  8069  8080  8081  8086  8087  8089  8090  8098  8099  8112  8126  8139
#> [210]  8140  8181  8333  8334  8443  8554  8649  8800  8834  8880  8888  8889  9000  9001  9002  9009  9042  9051  9080
#> [229]  9100  9151  9160  9191  9200  9306  9418  9443  9595  9600  9869  9943  9944  9981  9999 10000 10001 10243 10554
#> [248] 11211 11300 12345 13579 14147 16010 16992 16993 17000 18081 18245 20000 20547 21025 21379 23023 23424 25105 25565
#> [267] 27015 27016 27017 28015 28017 30718 32400 32764 37777 44818 47808 48899 49152 49153 50070 50100 51106 53413 54138
#> [286] 55443 55553 55554 62078 64738

#> # A tibble: 169 x 2
#>    protocol             description                                                                     
#>    <chr>                <chr>                                                                           
#>  1 amqp                 Grab information from an AMQP service                                           
#>  2 andromouse           Checks whether the device is running the remote mouse AndroMouse service.       
#>  3 apple-airport-admin  Check whether the device is an Apple AirPort administrative interface.          
#>  4 ard                  Query the Apple Remote Desktop service for information about the device         
#>  5 automated-tank-gauge Get the tank inventory for a gasoline station.                                  
#>  6 bacnet               Gets various information from a BACnet device.                                  
#>  7 beanstalk            Get general information about the Beanstalk daemon                              
#>  8 bgp                  Checks whether the device is running BGP.                                       
#>  9 bitcoin              Grabs information about a Bitcoin daemon, including any devices connected to it.
#> 10 bittorrent-tracker   Check whether there is a BitTorrent tracker running.                            
#> # ... with 159 more rows

#> # A tibble: 1 x 2
#>   host       ip           
#>   <chr>      <chr>        
#> 1

#> # A tibble: 1 x 2
#>   ip            host                     
#>   <chr>         <chr>                    
#> 1

#>    count  value
#> 1    155 webcam
#> 2    112 camera
#> 3    111    cam
#> 4     77  scada
#> 5     75 router
#> 6     63    ftp
#> 7     61     ip
#> 8     59 server
#> 9     48   test
#> 10    40   http

#>    votes                              description                         tags                  timestamp
#> 1      2                                                                       2018-02-14T15:27:28.897000
#> 2      2                                                                       2018-02-14T07:43:47.392000
#> 3      3                                                                       2018-02-13T11:16:24.108000
#> 4      4 They are controlled cameras, mostly open      webcam, ip-cam, cameras 2018-02-12T21:46:10.954000
#> 5      3             Dahua DVR IPCAMS admin/admin webcam, netcam, surveillance 2018-02-12T16:38:27.835000
#> 6      1                                                                       2018-02-12T08:26:01.008000
#> 7      1                                   Doosan                              2018-02-11T21:18:33.365000
#> 8      2                                    tò mò                     viet nam 2018-02-11T18:53:07.799000
#> 9      1                                    tò mò                            h 2018-02-11T18:38:05.345000
#> 10     4                                     cams                              2018-02-11T15:22:14.649000
#>                        title                    query
#> 1                   eurocell                     hare
#> 2                  magdeburg    Logitech Media Server
#> 3                    türkiye   
#> 4  Controllable AXIS cameras title:"Live view - AXIS"
#> 5                      Dahua port:37777 product:dahua
#> 6                     twonky      Twonky country:"us"
#> 7                     Doosan                   doosan
#> 8                   viet nam   http.title:"Hacked by"
#> 9                 thành viên               org:Google
#> 10                   celular                  popular

Code of Conduct

Please note that this project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms.

hrbrmstr/shodan documentation built on May 17, 2019, 5:13 p.m.