The anchoredDistr package is intended to handle the post-processing of projects created by MAD#, the software implmentation of the Method of Anchored distributions (see our Codeplex site). Similarly structured data not extracted from the MAD# software can also be used with some formatting.

However, the package is in early development and as such only has the following features:

while making the following assumptions:

Vignette Info

This vignette will step through an example of applying anchoredDistr using the dataset pumping, which contains results from a MAD# project pertaining to characterizing an aquifer's mean natural-log hydraulic conductivity by using a time series of drawdown (change in hydraulic head) at a monitoring well in the field as inversion data. The MADproject object has slots numSamples, numAnchors, numTheta, observations, priors, true values, numLocations and realizations filled. Normally, the function readMAD would be used to fill in the object from databases produced by MAD#, but this has done already for pumping for a more portable example. However, MAD# is not entirely necessary: you can fill in a MADproject object with data from another application and still apply the MAD analysis.

For example, we can install and load the package:


and then create a MADproject object given the following minimum information:

load(system.file("extdata", "pumpingInput.RData", package = "anchoredDistr"))
proj <- new("MADproject",
             numLocations = 1,
             numTimesteps = 100,
             numSamples   = 50,
             numAnchors = 0,
             numTheta = 1,
             observations = obs,
             realizations = realizations,
             priors = priors)

However, the same data, plus more information, is available in the pumping dataset so it will be used for the remainder of the vignette.


Printing MADproject information

You can use the print function to preview what the MADproject object contains:


Viewing Data

The plotMAD function can be used to view different data from the MADproject object. Pass the object as the first argument followed by

Below is an example of requesting to plot the realizations for the pumping dataset.

plotMAD(pumping, "realizations")

Applying MAD

The anchoredDistr package can take this information and calculate the posterior of the random parameter in question based on requested inversion data. Below, the 100th time step is used as the inversion data, then the posterior is calculated and plotted (again, using the plotMAD function).

pumping <- calcLikelihood(pumping, 100)
pumping <- calcPosterior(pumping)
plotMAD(pumping, "posteriors")

Applying MAD with Dimension Reduction

The anchoredDistr package can take this information and calculate the posterior of the random parameter in question based on requested inversion data. Below, the minimum value in the time series is used as the inversion data, then the posterior is calculated and plotted (again, using the plotMAD function). This is the same as using the 100th time step, but showcasing the ability to provide a function instead of a subset for the reduction.

pumping.min <- reduceData(pumping, min)
pumping.min <- calcLikelihood(pumping.min)
pumping.min <- calcPosterior(pumping.min)
plotMAD(pumping.min, "posteriors")

Even more complicated functions can be passed. For example, this matern function:

matern <- function(x, params){
  sigma <- params[1]
  lambda <- params[2]
  kappa <- params[3]  
  t <- sqrt(2*kappa)*x/lambda
  cov <-  ((sigma*(t^kappa)/gamma(kappa))*2^(1-kappa))*besselK(t,kappa)

If we want to fit this matern function to the time series, we need to provide nls with initial values for the three parameters. Here is a function to estimate these initial values:

init.matern <- function(x){
  params<- c()
  params[1] <- min(x)
  params[2] <- min(10, tail(which(x > 0.3*min(x)),1)) 
  params[3] <- 0.5

We can pass these two functions to reduceData for fitting a matern model to each time series and performing the inversion with the three parameters:

pumping.matern <- reduceData(pumping, matern, init.matern, lower=c(-Inf,1,0.1), upper=c(0,100,5), algorithm="port")
plotMAD(pumping.matern, "realizations")
pumping.matern <- calcLikelihood(pumping.matern)
pumping.matern <- calcPosterior(pumping.matern)
plotMAD(pumping.matern, "posteriors")

Convergence testing

In order to assess the convergence of the likelihood values, you can call the testConvergence function that will take a MADproject object and calculate likelihood values for a range of realization counts.


hsavoy/anchoredDistr documentation built on Jan. 26, 2020, 8:03 p.m.