Man pages for huang704/MSstatsTMT
Protein Significance Analysis in shotgun mass spectrometry-based proteomic experiments with tandem mass tag (TMT) labeling

annotation.mineExample of annotation file for raw.mine, which is the output...
annotation.mqExample of annotation file for evidence, which is the output...
annotation.pdExample of annotation file for raw.pd, which is the PSM...
dataProcessPlotsTMTVisualization for explanatory data analysis - TMT experiment
evidenceExample of output from MaxQuant for TMT-10plex experiments.
groupComparisonTMTFinding differentially abundant proteins across conditions in...
input.pdExample of output from PDtoMSstatsTMTFormat function
MaxQtoMSstatsTMTFormatGenerate MSstatsTMT required input format from MaxQuant...
MSstatsTMTMSstatsTMT: A package for protein significance analysis in...
OpenMStoMSstatsTMTFormatGenerate MSstatsTMT required input format for OpenMS output
PDtoMSstatsTMTFormatGenerate MSstatsTMT required input format from Proteome...
proteinGroupsExample of proteinGroups file from MaxQuant for TMT-10plex...
proteinSummarizationSummarizing peptide level quantification to protein level...
quant.pd.msstatsExample of output from proteinSummarizaiton function
raw.mineExample of output from SpectroMine for TMT-6plex experiments.
raw.omExample of MSstatsTMT report from OpenMS for TMT-10plex...
raw.pdExample of output from Proteome Discoverer 2.2 for TMT-10plex...
SpectroMinetoMSstatsTMTFormatGenerate MSstatsTMT required input format for SpectroMine...
test.pairwiseExample of output from groupComparisonTMT function
huang704/MSstatsTMT documentation built on Jan. 1, 2021, 3:21 a.m.