
Quick Start-Up Guide

This quick start-up guide provides an overview of the most frequently used functions in single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) analysis. After running the standard Seurat pipeline (refer to this Seurat pbmc3k tutorial), you should have a Seurat object ready for further analysis. Below, we illustrate the use of a subset of the pbmc dataset as an example to demonstrate various functionalities of the SeuratExtend package.

Visualizing Clusters


# Visualizing cell clusters using DimPlot2

Analyzing Cluster Distribution

To check the percentage of each cluster within different samples:

# Cluster distribution bar plot
ClusterDistrBar(pbmc$orig.ident, pbmc$cluster)

Marker Gene Analysis with Heatmap

To examine the marker genes of each cluster and visualize them using a heatmap:

# Calculating z-scores for variable features
genes.zscore <- CalcStats(
  features = VariableFeatures(pbmc), = "cluster",
  order = "p",
  n = 4)

# Displaying heatmap
Heatmap(genes.zscore, lab_fill = "zscore")

Enhanced Visualization of Marker Genes

For visualizing specific markers via a violin plot that incorporates box plots, median lines, and performs statistical testing:

# Specifying genes and cells of interest
genes <- c("CD3D", "CD14", "CD79A")
cells <- WhichCells(pbmc, idents = c("B cell", "CD8 T cell", "Mono CD14"))

# Violin plot with statistical analysis
  features = genes, = "cluster",
  cells = cells,
  stat.method = "wilcox.test")

Visualizing Multiple Markers on UMAP

Displaying three markers on a single UMAP, using RYB coloring for each marker:

FeaturePlot3(pbmc, feature.1 = "CD3D", feature.2 = "CD14", feature.3 = "CD79A")

Conducting Geneset Enrichment Analysis (GSEA)

Examining all the pathways of the immune process in the Gene Ontology (GO) database, and visualizing by a heatmap that displays the top pathways of each cluster across multiple cell types:

options(spe = "human")
pbmc <- GeneSetAnalysisGO(pbmc, parent = "immune_system_process", n.min = 5)
matr <- RenameGO(pbmc@misc$AUCell$GO$immune_system_process)
go_zscore <- CalcStats(
  f = pbmc$cluster,
  order = "p",
  n = 3)
Heatmap(go_zscore, lab_fill = "zscore")

Detailed Comparison of Two Cell Types

Using a GSEA plot to focus on a specific pathway for deeper comparative analysis:

  ident.1 = "B cell",
  ident.2 = "CD8 T cell",
  title = "GO:0042113 B cell activation (335g)",
  geneset = GO_Data$human$GO2Gene[["GO:0042113"]])

Importing and Visualizing SCENIC Analysis

After conducting Gene Regulatory Networks Analysis using pySCENIC, import the output and visualize various aspects within Seurat:

# Downloading a pre-computed SCENIC loom file
scenic_loom_path <- file.path(tempdir(), "pyscenic_integrated-output.loom")
download.file("", scenic_loom_path)

# Importing SCENIC Loom Files into Seurat
pbmc <- ImportPyscenicLoom(scenic_loom_path, seu = pbmc)

# Visualizing variables such as cluster, gene expression, and SCENIC regulon activity with customized colors
  features = c("cluster", "orig.ident", "CEBPA", "tf_CEBPA"),
  cols = list("tf_CEBPA" = "D"),
  theme = NoAxes()

# Creating a waterfall plot to compare regulon activity between cell types
DefaultAssay(pbmc) <- "TF"
  features = rownames(pbmc),
  ident.1 = "Mono CD14",
  ident.2 = "CD8 T cell",
  exp.transform = FALSE,
  top.n = 20)

Trajectory Analysis with Palantir in R

Trajectory analysis helps identify developmental pathways and transitions between different cell states. In this section, we demonstrate how to perform trajectory analysis using the Palantir algorithm on a subset of myeloid cells, integrating everything within the R environment.

Download and Prepare the Data

First, we download a small subset of myeloid cells to illustrate the analysis:

# Download the example Seurat Object with myeloid cells
mye_small <- readRDS(url("", "rb"))

Diffusion Map Calculation

Palantir uses diffusion maps for dimensionality reduction to infer trajectories. Here’s how to compute and visualize them:

# Compute diffusion map
mye_small <- Palantir.RunDM(mye_small)

# Visualize the first two diffusion map dimensions
DimPlot2(mye_small, reduction = "ms")

Pseudotime Calculation

Pseudotime ordering assigns each cell a time point in a trajectory, indicating its progression along a developmental path:

# Calculate pseudotime with a specified start cell
mye_small <- Palantir.Pseudotime(mye_small, start_cell = "sample1_GAGAGGTAGCAGTACG-1")

# Store pseudotime results in for easy plotting
ps <- mye_small@misc$Palantir$Pseudotime
colnames(ps)[3:4] <- c("fate1", "fate2")[,colnames(ps)] <- ps

# Visualize pseudotime and cell fates
  features = colnames(ps),
  reduction = "ms",
  cols = list(Entropy = "D"))

Visualization Along Trajectories

Visualizing gene expression or regulon activity along calculated trajectories can provide insights into dynamic changes:

# Create smoothed gene expression curves along trajectory
  mye_small, = ps,
  features = c("CD14", "FCGR3A")

# Create a gene trend heatmap for different fates
  features = VariableFeatures(mye_small)[1:10], = ps,
  lineage = "fate1"

scVelo Analysis

scVelo is a Python tool used for RNA velocity analysis. We demonstrate how to integrate and analyze velocyto-generated data within the Seurat workflow using scVelo.

Preparing for scVelo

First, download the pre-calculated velocyto loom file:

# Download velocyto loom file
loom_path <- file.path(tempdir(), "pbmc10k_mye_small.loom")
download.file("", loom_path)

# Path for saving the integrated AnnData object
adata_path <- file.path(tempdir(), "mye_small.h5ad")

# Integrate Seurat Object and velocyto loom into an AnnData object
  filename = adata_path,
  velocyto.loompath = loom_path,
  prefix = "sample1_",
  postfix = "-1"

Plotting scVelo Results

Once the data is processed, visualize the RNA velocity:

# Plot RNA velocity
scVelo.Plot(color = "cluster", basis = "ms_cell_embeddings", figsize = c(5,4))

huayc09/SeuratExtend documentation built on July 15, 2024, 6:22 p.m.