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Writing experiments with betr


betr is an R package to design, test and run social scientific experiments. It uses the web to serve experiments, but it is suitable either for web- or lab-based experiments. It is designed to make writing, testing, debugging and running experiments as easy as possible.

Why use betr?

Typically, social science experiments are run using computer software. The most widely used software by economists is zTree. Others are written in Java, Python, or PHP. So, why use betr?

The most important advantage is:

That is true if you know R already. If you don't know R, but are an early-career social scientist, then you probably need to learn at least one statistical software package. If you learn R, then you will also be able to use it to run experiments in betr.

Some other advantages are:

While zTree's language lacks constructs such as functions, with betr you can use all the features of R. No more copy-pasting the same code across different periods. R built-ins are also useful for writing experiments. Here's a standard way to randomize over your subjects in zTree:{
  randomizer = random();
  rand_id = count ( randomizer >= : randomizer );

The same thing in R is just:

rand_id <- sample(1:N)

HTML is a powerful and flexible display language, so your experiments can be as beautiful or as simple as you like.

Testing experiments by hand can be a pain. Typically, you have to open one window for each of your subjects, then type in responses manually. betr lessens that pain by allowing automatic replay of sessions. So, you can test manually once, then rerun the test automatically.

Obviously, since betr uses HTML, you can serve web-based experiments. In your lab, you only need a web browser on client machines.

Things can go wrong in the lab. In a betr session, all client and experimenter interactions are stored on disk, so even if your server computer crashes, you can replay back to where you left off and restart the experiment.

Languages like PHP are designed to respond to a single request, perhaps store some information in a database, print out a web page, then die. When they get a new request, they start again, look for session information to remember where they were, get info from the database.... This does not really suit the paradigm of an experiment where you want users to go through steps simultaneously in a carefully defined order. The resulting session and database management can be a hassle.

betr takes a different approach: a single persistent server process handles all requests from start to finish. There's no need to talk to a database: data is held in memory. At any time you can see exactly where your subjects are, using simple R commands. And your experiment can be written in a single source file.

Installing betr

To install betr just run:

install.packages("devtools") # if not already installed
install_github("betr", "hughjonesd") # for the latest version

An example betr experiment

Typically you will define your experiment in a source file. Then, during a session, you will run it from the command line. Here's a source file for a simple guessing game experiment.


initialize_data_frame <- function() {
  mydf <<- experiment_data_frame(expt, guess=NA, correct=NA)
expt <- experiment(N=1, clients_in_url=TRUE, on_ready=initialize_data_frame,

s1 <- function(id, period, params) {
  me_now <- mydf$id==id & mydf$period==period
  if ('guess' %in% names(params)) {
    mydf$guess[me_now] <<- as.numeric(params$guess)
    mydf$correct[me_now] <<- if (params$guess == sample(1:10,1)) 1 else 0
  last_guess <- ''
  me_before <- mydf$id==id & mydf$period == period -1
  if (period > 1) last_guess <- paste0('You guessed ', mydf$guess[me_before], 
        '... you were ', if(mydf$correct[me_before]>0) 'right!' else 'wrong!')
  return(c(header(), sprintf("<p color='red'>%s</p>", last_guess),
    "<p>Pick a number</p>",
    "<form action='' method='post'><select name='guess'>",
    paste0("<option value='", 1:10,"'>", 1:10, "</option>", collapse=""),
    "<input type='submit' value='Submit'></form>",

add_stage(expt, period(), s1, times=5)

Let's look at this bit by bit.

Our first task is to prepare a data frame for our experiment. We could just do this by calling

mydf <<- data.frame(id=1, period=1:5, guess=NA, correct=NA)

However, we want to make sure that our experiment is replay-safe. If we replay our experiment, either during testing or to recover from a problem in a session, our experiment will be rerun from the start. But if our data has already been written, then this might affect how things work. To make sure that replay will work exactly the same, we create a function initialize_data_frame that creates a fresh empty dataset. This function will be called whenever the experiment is made ready, including when it is replayed. Then the replay will populate our data frame just as it was.

experiment_data_frame is a convenience function. It sets up a data frame with the right number of rows and columns for our experiment -- one per subject per period.

Next we set our experiment up. The call to experiment returns an object of class Experiment, which we have called expt. N=1 gives the number of participants, and on_ready=initialize_data_frame tells betr to call our function whenever the experiment is made ready. Don't worry about the other options for now.

In betr, experiments are composed of stages. The next piece of code defines a function s1, which will be one of our experiment's stages. Ignoring the details, the structure of s1 is like:

s1 <- function(id, period, params) {
  # ...
  # or ...
  return("some HTML")

Here's how this works. When a subject makes an HTTP request to betr, the current stage is called with the subject's id (a number from 1 to N), the subject's current period, and any parameters from the request -- e.g. data from a form filled in by the subject. The stage can then do one of three things:

  1. Return some HTML to the subject. The subject stays on the same stage. For example, if you return an HTML form, the same stage will be called when the subject fills in the form and hits Submit.
  2. Return the special constant NEXT. The subject is then advanced to the next stage, which is immediately called without parameters.
  3. Return the special constant WAIT. The subject is shown a "waiting page". After a defined time interval, this will autorefresh and the stage will again be called.

In s1, the stage looks at whether there is a parameter called guess. If there is, the stage records the subject's guess in the data frame mydf. It also decides whether the subject guessed right, and records this in mydf$correct.

Having recorded the data, s1 returns NEXT and moves the subject on. If we aren't finished, s1 will then be called again without parameters. s1 will then print out the guessing form so the subject can choose another number.

Lastly, we add our stage s1 to the experiment:

add_stage(expt, period(), s1, times=5)

What about the other thing here, period()? In fact, period() creates another kind of stage, called (guess what?) a Period. This stage is very simple: it adds 1 to the subject's period counter, then returns NEXT.

The times=5 argument repeats the whole sequence of stages 5 times. So our experiment's stages are now:

period, s1, period, s1, period, s1, period, s1, period, s1

OK, we've created our experiment. Now, we need to run it. Run the code above, or put it in a file called my_experiment.R and source it:


Before we run it, let's take a look at it. On the command line, type


This gives you basic information about the experiment. Clients tells you how many clients have connected, out of the experiment's N. Periods and Stages are self-explanatory. There are 5 periods because our experiment had 5 periods in its stages. There are 10 stages including the 5 periods and the 5 s1 objects. Lastly, the Status tells us whether the experiment is Stopped, Waiting, Started or Paused. Right now it is Stopped. Let's change that. On the command line, run:


Typically, you will call ready when you want to start connecting subjects to the experiment. ready does several things:

Now, expt will report more information:


The status has changed, and we see the session name. We also have a URL. Clients can connect to this to view the experiment. You can do this manually: open your web browser and go to the URL r paste0(get_url(expt), "/client-1"). Or, for a convenient shortcut, enter:

expt$handle_request("client-1", list())

on the R command line. You should see a page saying "Waiting to start". It will refresh regularly. (If you get an error message, check your computer's firewall settings. You may need to allow access to certain ports.)

Before we start, let's see a bit more information about our experiment. Type:


This shows the same info as before, plus a list of subjects -- just one.

Now we've got our 1 subject, we're ready to start. On the command line, type:

expt$handle_request("client-1", list())
expt$handle_request("client-1", list(guess="6"))
expt$handle_request("client-1", list(guess="2"))

Now, when your browser page refreshes, you will see the first period of the guessing game. Complete a couple of guesses (good luck!). Use info(expt) to watch your subject progressing. You can also look directly at your experimental data frame:


At the end, you will see an "experiment finished" page in your browser, and info(expt) will show that your subject has finished the experiment.

for (j in 1:3) expt$handle_request("client-1", list(guess="5"))

To stop the experiment serving, run


Now the server will halt, so clients can no longer connect, and the status of the experiment will be "Stopped".

Our experiment is finished, but our data is still there, as you can see if you type mydf. To save it to a CSV file, run:

write.csv(mydf, file="my-first-data.csv")

Lastly, let's replay our experiment. Enter

replay(expt, ask=TRUE)

The command prompt should show


Enter 'd' to see details of the first request from a client computer. Then enter 'n' to replay this request. Carry on entering 'd' and 'n'; eventually you will see your 'start' command. Enter 'n' three more times. Now enter mydf. You will see that your data frame is back as it was in the middle of the experiment. You can enter arbitrary R expressions. For a list of other commands, enter 'h' or '?'.

Writing experiments

Experiment parameters

So far our experiment is rather trivial: guessing a random number. Let's change it to have multiple subjects, each matched in groups, and getting paid if they all choose the same random number -- i.e., a coordination game. By doing this, we'll learn about the different kinds of Stages. So far you've met two kinds: simple functions which return NEXT, WAIT or some HTML; and Period objects created using period.

We'll set up our data frame much as before:

N <- 8
nreps <- 4
groupsize <- 2
reward <- 5 # reward in $

if (N %% groupsize > 0) stop("N must be an exact multiple of groupsize")
Ngroups <- N/groupsize

initialize <- function() {
  mydf <<- experiment_data_frame(N=N, periods=nreps, guess=NA,
        group=rep(rep(1:Ngroups, each=groupsize), nreps))

expt <- experiment(N=N, clients_in_url=TRUE, on_ready=initialize,

Note that:

mydf$group <<- sample(mydf$group)

If you wanted to redraw groups each round, you could do something like:

groups <- rep(1:Ngroups, each=groupsize)
for (i in 1:nperiods(expt)) mydf$group[mydf$period==i] <<- sample(groups)

Text Stages

Let's add some instructions to our experiment. To do this, we'll use a TextStage object.

ins <- text_stage(page=c(
  "You will be matched in groups of size", groupsize,
  ". If you each guess the same number, you will get a reward of $", reward,
  ". <form action=''><input type='Submit' value='OK'></form>",
add_stage(expt, ins)

text_stage creates very simple stages: they display some text to the user, then return NEXT. At the bottom of our text, we add an HTML form with a single submit button. When the subject clicks this, he or she will move on to the next stage.

The functions header() and footer() create some simple HTML to start and finish the web page. They are there for convenience.

We don't always want the user to be able to move on. Sometimes we would rather make them wait until the experimenter moves them on. Doing this is simple:

ins2 <- text_stage(page=c(
  "Please wait for the experiment to begin!",
), wait=TRUE)
add_stage(expt, ins2)

Now the user can't move on because there is no submit button. In addition, even if the browser were refreshed, the text will simply redisplay because of the wait=TRUE option. To move all subjects on manually from the command line:

next_stage(expt, 1:N)

Here 1:N gives the subject ids as shown by info(expt). Moving subjects on manually might risk losing data, but as this stage is just displaying some text, we're fine.

Form Stages

Next we need to let subjects pick a number. Last time we did this with a function which either displayed an HTML form, or stored the subject's guess. We can do this even more simply using a new kind of Stage: a FormStage object, created by the form_stage function.

myform <- c(
  header(), "<p style='color:red;'><% errors %></p>",
  "<p>Pick a number:</p>",
  "<form action='' method='POST'><select name='guess'>",
  paste0('<option>', 1:10, '</option>'), 
  "<input type='submit' value='Submit'></form>", 
guess_s <- form_stage(page=myform, fields=list(
      guess=all_of(is_whole_number(), is_between(1, 10))
      ), data_frame="mydf")

A form stage prints out an HTML form for the subject. When the form is submitted, it is checked for errors. If there are no errors, the corresponding fields in the database are updated. You specify which fields to update by the list fields. The names of this list are names of form fields, which should also be columns in your data frame. Each value in the list should be a function to check the user-submitted data. You can write your own functions, but here we have auto-generated one with is_whole_number, is_between and all_of. (These are functions which return functions!) So, here we require the guess parameter to be both a whole number, and between 1 and 10.

If there are errors in your fields, the form will be redisplayed. For convenience, the string "<% errors %>" will be replaced by a list of errors.

Assuming that there are no errors, the data frame named in data_frame is updated. Note that:

id | period | ... ---|--------|---- 1 | 1 | ... 1 | 2 | ... ... | ... | ... 2 | 1 | ... 2 | 1 | ... ... | ... | ...


If we have multiple users in groups, we can't let them all run through the experiment at their own speed. They have to wait for each other. For this we need another kind of Stage called a CheckPoint.

initialize() # creates mydf so we can use mydf$group
grp <- mydf$group[mydf$period==1]
grp <- grp[order(mydf$id[mydf$period==1])]
check_s <-checkpoint(wait_for=grp)

CheckPoints simply hold subjects at a waiting page until some subjects have also arrived at the checkpoint. You can specify which subjects to wait for by the wait_for argument to checkpoint. This can be "all" to wait for all subjects, or "ever" to wait forever. (This is useful if you want to let the experimenter move on subjects manually using next_stage.) Or, as in our example, it can be a vector of group names, sorted by id. When this happens, each subject will wait until everyone in his or her group has arrived. For example, if

wait_for=c("a", "b", "a", "b", "c")

then subject IDs 1 and 3 will wait for each other, because they are in group "a". Subject IDs 2 and 4 will wait for each other, and subject ID 5 will not wait for anyone.


After each group has arrived at the checkpoint, we know that they have filled in their guess. Now we can calculate if they've coordinated correctly. We'll use a Program stage for this. A Program simply runs some code at a particular point in the experiment. It doesn't display anything to the subjects -- they just move on to the next stage.

calculate_profit <- function(id, period) {
  mydf$guess <<- as.numeric(mydf$guess)
  me_now <- mydf$id == id & mydf$period == period

  mygroup <- mydf$group[me_now]
  myguesses <- mydf$guess[mydf$group == mygroup & mydf$period == period]
  profit <- if (min(myguesses) == max(myguesses)) reward else 0
  mydf$profit[me_now] <<- profit

calc_s <- program(run="all", fn=calculate_profit)

Here calculate_profit does just what it says. Note that the first line turns mydf$guess into a numeric variable. Also, note how the first and last lines use <<- to assign into mydf in the global environment.

The run="all" argument runs the program once for every subject. In effect, profit is calculated several times for every group, but the calculation doesn't change so it doesn't. Other values include "first" and "last". These run the program only when the first subject arrives, and only when the last subject arrives, respectively.

Putting it together

Lastly, we'll add our stages to the experiment - not forgetting a period counter using period().

add_stage(expt, period(), guess_s, check_s, calc_s, times=nreps)

The basic pattern here is: form stage, checkpoint, program. You can use this simple pattern in many experiments.

Adding timeouts

Often in lab experiments you want to give subjects only a fixed time to answer a question, view instructions etc. In betr, you can do this by adding timeouts to stages. The syntax is like:

timed(stage, timeout=60)

where stage is the original stage, and timeout gives the number of seconds before the stage times out. timed creates a new stage object of class Timed. So, for example, if we wanted to give subjects 30 seconds to guess a number , we could write:

add_stage(expt, period(), timed(guess_s, 30), check_s, calc_s, times=nreps)

Timeouts work by adding a Refresh: header to the http request. Client browsers will automatically refresh after the timeout is called. If the timeout expires, then the Timed stage returns NEXT. You may want to do something extra in this case, like set some default values, or record that the subject timed out. You can do this by adding an on_timeout argument to timed.

timed(stage, timeout=60, on_timeout=function(id, period) {
  mydf[mydf$id==id & mydf$period==period, "timed_out_on_me"] <<- TRUE

Dynamic pages and images

So far we have only shown the user static pages of HTML. That is rather limited. We also want to customize the HTML to print out e.g. the past history of play. We might also want to use R's powerful graphics facilities.

Actually, you have already seen one way to print HTML dynamically, which is just to use a stage function. For example, here's how to print out the subject's name, assuming they have already submitted it:

stg <- function(id, period, params) {
  c(header(), "Your name is:", mydf$name[mydf$id==id & mydf$period==period],

You can do something very similar within a text_stage or form_stage. Instead of passing a character vector of HTML to the page argument, pass a function:

ts <- text_stage(page=function(id, period, params, errors) {
  c(header(), "Your name is:", mydf$name[mydf$id==id & mydf$period==period],

The params and errors parameters will never be used in a text stage, since the stage prints only once after the last stage called NEXT. However, your function should always have them as arguments.

In a form stage you can do the same thing. The params argument will be a list of the user-submitted parameters. It will be empty when the form is displayed for the first time, but will have elements if the form redisplays because of user errors. error is a named vector of error messages from form submission. For example, the following prints out a simple HTML form, keeping user's previous inputs and displaying any error messages:

myfun <- function(id, period, params, errors) {
  name <- if ('name' %in% names(params)) params$name else ''
  age <-  if ('age' %in% names(params)) params$age else ''
  html <- header()
  if (length(errors) > 0) html <- c(html, 
        "<div style='color:red; border: 1px solid red;'>",
        paste(errors, collapse="<br />"), "</div>")
  html <- c(html, 
        "<form action='' method='POST'>",
        sprintf("<h1>Period %s: enter your details</h1>", period),
        sprintf("<p>Name: <input type='text' name='name' value='%s'></p>", name),
        sprintf("<p>Age: <input type='number' name='age' value='%s'></p>", age),

fs <- form_stage(page=myfun, fields=list(
      ), data_frame="mydf")

# test how this works:
myfun(id=1, period=3, params=list(name='John', age='19'), errors='')

Brew and knitr

Using functions which mix R and HTML can start to look rather messy, as the code above shows. A nicer solution is to use a templating package. This means you create your HTML pages in a separate file, and mix in a little R, keeping most of your experiment logic separate. R has two powerful templating packages, brew and knitr.

Brew is almost self-explanatory. Here's a brew file that would recreate the HTML form above:

name <- if ('name' %in% names(params)) params$name else ''
age <-  if ('age' %in% names(params)) params$age else ''
<% if (length(errors) > 0) { %>
  <div style='color:red; border: 1px solid red;'>
  <%= paste(errors, collapse="<br />") %>
<% } %>
<form action='' method='POST'>
<h1>Period <%= period %>: enter your details</h1>
<p>Name: <input type='text' name='name' value='<%= name %>'></p>
<p>Age: <input type='number' name='age' value='<%= age %>'></p>

Code between <% %> tags is evaluated. Code between <%= %> tags is evaluated and printed out. Notice that the values of id, period, params and errors are available within the brew file.

To use this within your form stage, use b_brew:

fs <- form_stage(page=b_brew("path_to_brew.html"), fields=list(
      ), data_frame="mydf")

knitr is a similar templating framework. Its syntax is slightly more complex, but it has a powerful advantage: it can dynamically generate graphics.

Here's a knitr HTML file that might be part of a public goods game.

<!--begin.rcode results='hide'

myid <- which(mydf$id==id & mydf$period==period)
mygroup <- mydf$group[myid]
contribs <- mydf[mydf$group==mygroup, c("contrib", "period", "id")]
contribs <- contribs[order(contribs$period, contribs$id),]
last_contribs <- tail(contribs$contrib, groupsize)

<h1>Period <!--rinline I(period) --></h1>

<p>Group contributions were:</p>
cat(paste(last_contribs, collapse="<br />"))

<p>History of contributions:</p>

plot(contribs$period, contribs$contrib, col=contribs$id, type="n",
    xlab="Period", ylab="Contribution", ylim=c(0,50))
for (mem_id in unique(contribs$id)) {
  ct <- contribs[contribs$id==mem_id,]
  lines(ct$period, ct$contrib, col=mem_id, type="b")


This prints out an HTML page with an embedded image something like this:

contribs <- experiment_data_frame(N=4, period=7, contrib=sample(1:50, 28, 
plot(contribs$period, contribs$contrib, col=contribs$id, type="n",
      xlab="Period", ylab="Contribution", ylim=c(0,50))
for (mem_id in unique(contribs$id)) {
  ct <- contribs[contribs$id==mem_id,]
  lines(ct$period, ct$contrib, col=mem_id, type="b")

The equivalent of <% ... %> in knitr is <!--begin.rcode ... end.rcode-->. You can also use <!--rinline ... --> for small chunks of code. knitr prints images directly in the HTML page, so you don't need to worry about where to put separate image files. Note that unlike brew, you have to actually print out the results you want to see using e.g. cat. However, rinline chunks are printed out verbatim. A helpful trick which we used above is to wrap items in <!--rinline ... --> blocks in the function I(). This prevents knitr surrounding them with special formatting.

betr customizes knitr's options to produce suitable output. See ?b_knit and the knitr documentation for more details.

Debugging experiments

Code can go wrong. Sooner or later, your experiment will throw an error or, worse still, will do something unexpected without printing an error message. Luckily, R has powerful facilities for debugging.

Here's part of a dictator game experiment:

init_df <- function() {
  mydf <- experiment_data_frame(expt)
  mydf$give <- NA
expt <- experiment(N=2, autostart=TRUE, clients_in_url=TRUE, on_ready=init_df)
dict_form <- c(header(), 
      "Choose how much to give: <form method='POST' action=''>",
      "<input type='text' name='give' maxlength='2'>", 
      "<input type='submit' value='Submit'></form>",footer())
dict_stage <- form_stage(dict_form, fields=list(give=is_between(0, 10)), 
add_stage(expt, period(), dict_stage)

If you run this experiment, you'll get an error:

web_test(expt) # and submit a number in your browser
expt$handle_request("client-1", list())
x <- expt$handle_request("client-1", list(give="1"))

This tells us what is wrong: mydf has not been created in the global environment. At this point, you should look at the code in init_df, which is supposed to create mydf when the experiment is made ready. If you are lucky, you'll notice that it is using <- instead of <<-: mydf is being created only within the function, not in the global environment. Let's suppose you are unlucky and don't know why mydf isn't being created. We can check what's happening by using the built-in debugger.


The call to debug means that when init_df() is called, you step into it and evaluate it one line at a time. In the debugger, enter 'n' to move on a line. You can also enter any other R expression and it will be evaluated. So, enter 'n' until you have run experiment_data_frame, then enter mydf. You'll see that your data frame exists and looks OK. Then when you exit the debugger, enter mydf again -- you will see that mydf no longer exists. This will hopefully give you a clue to what is happening: mydf is being created OK, but assigned in the wrong place. When you've finished debugging, call undebug(init_df) to return to normal behaviour.

Debugging works while you are running an experiment: the browser will hang, waiting for a response, while you step through the debugger.

Often you will want to debug code that is happening inside an experiment stage. To do that, call trace_stage(expt, n, browser) on your experiment. Here n is the number of the stage in the experiment. This will put you into debug mode whenever this stage is called. For example, in the experiment above trace_stage(expt, 2, browser) will debug dict_stage. Call untrace_stage(expt, 2) to go back to normal mode.

See ?debug, ?trace, ?browser and ?recover for more details, as well as the method trace in ?setRefClass.

replay is often useful for debugging: see the next section.

Testing experiments

We've already seen how to test your experiments manually, using web_test(expt). However, if your experiment has 16 participants, this quickly becomes laborious. Luckily, we can automate the process using replay.

In the experiment above, we might want to test several things, such as:

  1. Does the experiment start and run without throwing an R error?
  2. If subjects get the same number, do they get a profit of $5?
  3. If subjects get a different number, do they get a profit of $0?
  4. If a subject enters a number less than 0 or greater than 10 or not a whole number, does the script print an error and ask for input again?

Testing with replay

To use replay you will first need to test your session manually, using web_test. This may be slow, but you need only do it once. Just by doing this, you already test question 1 above: you can't run the experiment if it won't run! When you have finished, check that things are how you expected. Then, note down the session name (printed by info(expt)). You should find a folder with the corresponding session name on your hard drive, in the folder where R started. Note the folder name.

Now, make some changes to your code. After you've saved the experiment file and (perhaps) restarted R, source the file again and enter:

replay(expt, folder="[the folder name you noted earlier]")

This will replay your previous session instantly. Afterwards, you can check again that things are still as you expect. You don't have to include the folder name: if you don't, betr will try to find the most recent folder that looks like a session record.

You can automate the process still further by a testing package such as testthat. Here's a simple example, checking that a data frame has the right number of rows and that the give field is always defined.

test_that("Data frame created OK", {
  source("my-experiment-file.R") # defines an experiment myexp
  replay(myexp, folder="myexp-2014-05-15-120000") # test from 12 pm on 15 May 
  expect_that(nrow(mydf), equals(32)) 
  expect_false($give)) # 

Automated testing makes it easier to run tests -- which should make your experiments more reliable.

Running your experiment in the lab

When you've tested on your computer, you'll want to try it in the laboratory. This section describes how to prepare the laboratory to run betr experiments.

Installing betr on a server computer

The install process for betr is as described above. You could either use a computer in the lab, or a remote server. The lab client computers must be able to connect to this server.

So far, we've only been serving betr to our own computer. This has hidden a small problem: betr relies on the R package Rook, and Rook's web server can only serve to our own computer. Obviously that is not very useful now it is time to go live!

The simplest solution to this is to use a proxy web server in front of betr on the same computer, which redirects requests to betr. betr then serves the requests (now coming from its own computer) and the proxy returns them.

One way to do this is using the standard Apache web server. The steps to do this are:

  1. Download and install Apache

On Debian or Ubuntu Linux systems, run sudo apt-get install apache2.

  1. Enable the Apache module mod_proxy. Again, on Debian/Ubuntu:
sudo a2enmod mod_proxy
sudo a2enmod proxy_http
sudo service apache2 restart
  1. Edit your Apache config file to include the line:
ProxyPass /betr/

Here, 35538 is the port betr will serve on internally. (This is the default port: you can change it using the port argument to experiment().) You can check this works by running something like this in R:

experiment(N=1, name="foo", autostart=TRUE)
add_stage(experiment, text_stage(c(header(), "Success!", footer())))

Now, if you request the web page, Apache will forward this to

Kiosk mode

Your lab client computers don't need any special software -- just a web browser. However, you don't want your subjects to start reading Facebook if they get bored. To lock down the web browser, you may wish to install a "Kiosk mode" extension. This should:

Ideally, you also want to prevent users using Alt+F4 or Ctrl+Alt+Delete to switch applications... but your lab does that already, right? ;-)

Google Chrome comes with a built-in kiosk mode, which you can enable by running chrome --kiosk "http://starting.url". For Firefox, there is the Rkiosk extension. Internet Explorer appears to have a built-in kiosk mode enabled by iexplore.exe -k.

Another thing you may wish to do is ensure that only certain computers can connect to your experiment. You can do this with the auth argument to experiment. Here's how to allow only IP addresses starting with \code{123.121.123}:

expt <- experiment(N=1, auth=c("123.121.123.*", ""))

If you need more complex authentication, then you can pass a function to auth: see ?experiment for more information.

Seats and client IDs

In the lab, you need to know how much to pay your subjects. This is typically done by seat number. To identify subject seats, betr looks for a seats file, with the standard name betr_SEATS.txt, in its working directory.

The seats file is a tab separated data file which looks like this:

seat | IP | cookie -----|----|------- 1 | | AFDJKLRE 2 | | REAJKJKL

betr identifies seats either by IP address, or by a cookie set on a client machine. (The latter is useful if your lab machines do not have static IP addresses.)

You can create the seats file by hand, but it easier to use the function identify_seats(). This starts a simple web application on your server and tells you the web address it is serving on. You can then go to this address on each of your lab client computers, and enter the computer's seat number. The seats file will be created automatically.

When you call experiment(), betr looks for the seats file and prints a warning if it can't be found. You can pass a non-standard path to the seats_file argument, or seats_file=NULL to suppress this warning and not look for seats (e.g. in an internet experiment). If the seats file is found, info(expt) will print out clients' seats along with their ID.

At payment time, you can match your data to seats by running merge_subjects:

mydf <<- merge_subjects(expt, mydf)

This assumes that mydf has a column named id. It will add columns including seat to the data. You can then print a list of payments by doing something like:

profits <- mydf$[mydf$period=10, c("profit", "seat")]
profits <- profits[order(profits$seat),]
write.csv(profits, file="profits.csv")

Easy commands

You may not always want to run an experiment yourself. If your experiment administrator does not know R, he or she may find the R command line quite intimidating. To simplify, you can add the line load_commands(expt) to your source file. Then, instead of typing e.g. ready(expt), the administrator can just type READY:

myexpt <- experiment(N=3, seats_file=NULL, record=FALSE)

The commands that can be used are READY, START, PAUSE, RESTART, HALT, INFO, MAP and `WEB_TEST.

Running experiments online


hughjonesd/betr documentation built on May 17, 2019, 9:11 p.m.