checkGUI: Check if the dependencies required to open a GUI are...

View source: R/check.R

checkGUIR Documentation

Check if the dependencies required to open a GUI are installed, and if opening a GUI does not throw an error. Some code adapted from RGtk2's .onLoad function.


Check if the dependencies required to open a GUI are installed, and if opening a GUI does not throw an error. Some code adapted from RGtk2's .onLoad function.


checkGUI(GUI = c("needed", "always", "never"), save.tables.locally)



One of "needed", "always" or "never". If "needed", a new window is opened to inspect the movements only if the movements table is too big to be displayed in R's console. If "always", a graphical interface is always created when the possibility to invalidate events emerges. If "never", a graphical interface is never invoked. In this case, if the table to be displayed does not fit in R's console, a temporary file will be saved and the user will be prompted to open and examine that file. Defaults to "needed".


An updated GUI argument (character string)

hugomflavio/actel documentation built on Feb. 24, 2025, 1:05 p.m.