checkTagsInUnknownReceivers: Check for target data in the unknown receivers

View source: R/check.R

checkTagsInUnknownReceiversR Documentation

Check for target data in the unknown receivers


Check for target data in the unknown receivers


checkTagsInUnknownReceivers(detections.list, deployments, spatial)



A list of the detections split by each target tag, created by splitDetections.


a list of deployments.


A list of spatial objects in the study area.


A list containing an updated spatial list and a TRUE/FALSE object indicating whether or not Standard station names must be reprocessed.

A list containing:

  • spatial: A list containing the spatial elements of the study, with data for the unknown receivers, if relevant.

  • deployments: A list containing the receiver deployments, with data for the unknown receivers, if relevant.

  • detections.list: A list containing the detections for each tag, with updated station names.

hugomflavio/actel documentation built on Feb. 24, 2025, 1:05 p.m.