```r library(PatientLevelPrediction) vignetteDataFolder <- "s:/temp/plpVignette"

Load all needed data if it exists on this computer:

if (file.exists(vignetteDataFolder)){ plpModel <- loadPlpModel(vignetteDataFolder,'model') lrResults <- loadPlpModel(file.path(vignetteDataFolder,'results')) }




The OHDSI Patient Level Prediction (PLP) package provides the framework to implement prediction models at scale. This can range from developing a large number of models across sites (methodology and study design insight) to extensive external validation of existing models in the OHDSI PLP framework (model insight). This vignette describes how you can use the PatientLevelPrediction package to create a network study package.

Running a Network study Process

Step 1 – developing the study

Step 2 – implementing the study part 1

Step 3 – implementing the study part 2 [make sure package checks outputs the package is functioning as planned and the definitions are valid across sites]

Step 4 – Publication

Package Skeleton - File Structure

Package Skeleton - Output of Running Package

The output should contain three folders inside the study directory such as outputLoc <- (file.path(getwd(), paste0(studyName_database_date))): Plots – containing the test/train or validation ROC plot, calibration plot, precision recall plot and optionally the demographic calibration plot. Results – The output of running savePlpResult * Summary – a summary csv of performance and the table 1 csv

Then there should also be a zip file of the folder in the working directory containing the same folders and files but with sensitive results removed (this will be created using the packageResults function). Once the contributor has inspected the zipped file and is happy with the content being shared, he/she can then finally run the submit function with the details provided in the readme.md.

Example Code To Make Package For External Validation of PLP Model

First you need to make a copy of the PatientLevelPrediciton skeleton package found here:

Assuming you ran a sucessful PatientLevelPrediction model development and saved the output of runPlp() to to location 'goodModel' in your working directory then:

plpResult <- loadPlpResult('goodModel')

# add the model to the skeleton package with sensitive information removed
exportPlpResult(plpResult = plpResult, 
                modelName = 'Model Name', 
                packageName = 'Your Package Name', 
                gitHubLocation = 'location/of/github', 
                includeEvaluationStatistics = T, 
                includeThresholdSummary = T, 
                includeDemographicSummary = T, 
                includeCalibrationSummary = T, 
                includePredictionDistribution = T, 
                includeCovariateSummary = F)

Now you want to add the cohorts (generally the parameterized sql required to create one or more target and outcome cohorts). This should be added into the inst/sql/sql_server directory of your package. If you are using atlas to create the cohorts then you can use: OhdsiRTools::insertCirceDefinitionInPackage(). The settings for the cohort creation are defined in the inst/extdata directory in the file cohort_details.csv. this file contains two columns: cohortName and cohortId. The cohortName should contain the name of the sql file of the cohort in inst/sql/sql_server (e.g., a file called "targetCohort.sql" has the name "targetCohort") and the cohortId is the default cohort_definition_id that will be used when people run the study corresponding to this cohort. The main.R file in the extras directory contains the vanilla code to run a study with the model eported into the package and the cohort files added.

# input settings for person running the study
connectionDetails <- ' '
cdmDatabaseSchema <- 'their_cdm_database'
databaseName <- 'Name for database'
cohortDatabaseSchema <- 'a_database_with_write_priv'
cohortTable <- 'package_table'
outputLocation <- 'location to save results'

cohortDetails <- createCohort(connectionDetails = connectionDetails, 
                              cdmDatabaseSchema = cdmDatabaseSchema, 
                              cohortDatabaseSchema = cohortDatabaseSchema, 
                              cohortTable = cohortTable, 
             package = 'Your Package Name')

plpResult <- loadPlpResult(system.file("model", 
                          package = 'Your Package Name'))
result <- externalValidatePlp(plpResult = plpResult, 
                              connectionDetails = connectionDetails, 
                    validationSchemaTarget = cohortDatabaseSchema, 
                    validationSchemaOutcome = cohortDatabaseSchema, 
                    validationSchemaCdm = cdmDatabaseSchema, 
                    validationTableTarget = cohortTable, 
                    validationTableOutcome = cohortTable, 
                    validationIdTarget = target_cohort_id, 
                    validationIdOutcome = outcome_cohort_id)

# save results to standard output
resultLoc <- standardOutput(result = result, 
               outputLocation = outputLocation ,
               studyName = 'external validation of ... model',
               databaseName = databaseName,
               cohortName = 'your cohortName',
               outcomeName = 'your outcomeName')

# package results ready to submit
               includeROCplot= T,
               includeCalibrationPlot = T,
               includePRPlot = T,
               includeTable1 = F,
               includeThresholdSummary =T,
               includeDemographicSummary = T,
               includeCalibrationSummary = T,
               includePredictionDistribution =T,
               includeCovariateSummary = F,
               removeLessThanN = F,
               N = 10)

Where the target_cohort_id and outcome_cohort_id should correspond to the cohort_details.csv file.

We recommend getting the network implementors to submit their results of createCohort() before continuing with the study to ensure definitions run across the network. After running the rest of main.R the implementor should inspect the files in the export folder created by the package to ensure there isn't sensitive data remaining. Once checked the implementor can run submit.R to send the results to the study organisor. The submit.R file is:

              dbName=databaseName, key, secret)

Useful PatientLevelPrediction Functions

The functions to aid the creation of a network study are:

|Function| Description| Usage| |--------|-------------|-------| |checkPlpInstall() |This function checks the connection, and various aspects of the PLP package to check it is set up correctly| This should be run with the appropriate settings to check the contributor is set up correctly for the study| |getPlpData()| This function extracts the data from the cdm for model development| This should be used if developing new models| |runPlp()| This function trains and tests a new PLP model| This should be used if developing new models| |transportPlp()| This function exports the output of runPlp into an R package while removing sensitive objects | This should be used when saving a model into a study package to validate the model| |externalValidatePlp() |This function requires the user to inpute an existing model and then extracts the required data on a new database and applies/evaluates the model. |This should be used if validating a PLP model|

hxia/plp-git-demo documentation built on March 19, 2021, 1:54 a.m.