
Defines functions gen_basinElevationBands

Documented in gen_basinElevationBands

#' Generate basin elevation bands from DEM
#' This function takes a DEM and generates altitude bands according to the
#' interval spacing chosen. It also applies different clean up operations that
#' require user specified values for the smoothr::drop_crumbs() and
#' smoothr::fill_holes() functions. These sub-basins, once stored as a
#' shape file can then be further edited in QGIS.
#' @param dem_PathN Path to original stored DEM file. Can be path to directory
#'   containing the DEM file or the path to the DEM file directly. Can also be
#'   a raster object.
#' @param dem_FileN DEM file name (optional, defaults to DEM.tif)
#' @param demAggFact Aggregation factor to down-sample DEM (greatly improves
#'   computational efficiency)
#' @param band_interval Elevation bands interval / spacing (in meters)
#' @param holeSize_km2 Minimum Size of holes that will be kept during cleaning
#'   operation (in square kilometers)
#' @param smoothFact smoothness of final elevation bands (smoothness parameter
#'   of smoothr::smooth() function)
#' @param dem_crs crs of the dem as proj string. The default crs in this
#'   function is UTM 42N (EPGS: 32642).
#' @note Note that the DEM should be in UTM coordinates because the code works
#'   on the units of the projection of the DEM (for example meters in UTM and
#'   degrees in lat/long coordinates). We highly recommend to work in UTM.
#' @return Simple feature (sf) multi-polygon. Returns NULL if not successful.
#' @family Pre-processing
#' @export
gen_basinElevationBands <- function(
    dem_FileN = "DEM.tif",
    dem_crs = "+proj=utm +zone=42 +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs"){

  # Load DEM & define bands
  if (inherits(dem_PathN, "RasterLayer")) {
    dem <- dem_PathN
  } else if (utils::file_test("-f", dem_PathN)) {
    filepath <- dem_PathN
    dem <- raster::raster(filepath)
  } else {
    filepath <- normalizePath(file.path(dem_PathN, dem_FileN))
    if (!utils::file_test("-f", filepath)) {
      cat("Error: Cannot find file", dem_PathN, "nor", filepath,
          "and dem_PathN is not of class RasterLayer.")
    } else {
      dem <- raster::raster(filepath)

  # Test if a CRS is defined for the DEM
  if (is.na(raster::crs(dem))) {
    raster::crs(dem) <- dem_crs

  # Set minmax values of raster
  dem <- dem %>% raster::setMinMax()
  dem <- raster::aggregate(dem, fact = demAggFact) # this is in UTM 42N
  bands <- seq(raster::minValue(dem), raster::maxValue(dem), band_interval)

  # Classification
  dem_classes <- raster::cut(dem, breaks = bands)
  raster::res(dem_classes) <- dem_classes |>
    raster::res() |>
    dplyr::first() |>

  # Create Shapes
  dem_classes_poly <- raster::rasterToPolygons(dem_classes, dissolve = TRUE) |>

  # Clean up
  dem_classes_poly_clean <-
                         units::set_units(((dem_classes |>
                                             raster::res() |>
                                             dplyr::first())^2) |>
                                            base::round(), "m^2"))
  dem_classes_poly_clean <- smoothr::fill_holes(dem_classes_poly_clean,
  dem_classes_poly_clean <- smoothr::smooth(dem_classes_poly_clean,
                                            method = "ksmooth",
                                            smoothness = smoothFact)

hydrosolutions/riversCentralAsia documentation built on Feb. 7, 2023, 4:50 p.m.