
#' convert a flowSet to a data frame
#' A function that convert a flowSet to a data frame.
#' @param flowSet A flowSet object
#' @param fcsFiles A vector containing the name of each fcs file included in
#'   flowSet.
#' @param y The clinical outcome each fcs file associated with. Null for testing
#'   data.
#' @return Returns a data frame containing the cytometry data. Cells from
#'   different fcs files are combined into one flow frame. A new column,
#'   xSample, is introduced to indicate the origin of each cell. The data frame
#'   also includes the clinical outcome y.
#' @examples
#' library(flowCore)
#' # Find the table containing fcs file names in CytoDx package
#' path <- system.file("extdata",package="CytoDx")
#' # read the table
#' fcs_info <- read.csv(file.path(path,"fcs_info.csv"))
#' # Specify the path to the cytometry files
#' fn <- file.path(path,fcs_info$fcsName)
#' fSet <- read.flowSet(fn)
#' df <- set2DF(flowSet=fSet,fcsFiles=fn,y = fcs_info$Label)
#' @export

set2DF <- function(flowSet,fcsFiles,y = NULL){
  expr <- flowCore::fsApply(flowSet,function(x){
    v <- flowCore::exprs(x);
  eventN <- flowCore::fsApply(flowSet,function(x){
    v <- flowCore::exprs(x);
    n <- nrow(v)
  Label <- flowCore::fsApply(flowSet,function(x){
    v <- flowCore::pData(flowCore::parameters(x));
  #annotate expr colnames
  channels <- Label[[1]]$name
  antibodies <- Label[[1]]$desc

  antibodies <- vapply(seq_along(antibodies), function(i){
  }, character(1))
  #add sample_id
  sample_id <- rep(fcsFiles,times = eventN)
  if(is.null(y)){y <- rep(NA,nrow(expr))}else{
    y <- as.data.frame(y)
    y <- y[rep(seq_len(nrow(y)),times = eventN),,drop=FALSE]
  expr <- cbind.data.frame(expr,"xSample"=sample_id,y)
hzc363/CytoDx documentation built on May 8, 2019, 11:56 p.m.