FutureLearnData: R data package for the Data to Insight MOOC

Travis-CI Build Status

This package is primarly created for use with iNZight.


The R package contains these datasets: - Gapminder - gapminder, data from 1952--2012 - gapminder-2008, data for just 2008 - NHANES - nhanes2009_2012, modified data from 2009--2012 - nhanes_1000_50, nhanes_1000, nhanes_2000, the first 50, 1000, and 2000 rows, respectively - olympics100m, some olympics data - Week 7 Datasets - CanadaPop, an experiment - CocaineTrtmtExpt, CocaineTrtmtExpt-2Trt, CocaineTrtmtExpt-2Trt_D_P, CocaineTrtmtExpt_Lith_Desip, an experiment and each two-treatment subset - LightatNight, an experiment on mice - MindsetMatters, an experiment on mindset effects on placebo - SleepDeprivationExpt, an experiment on sleep deprivation - Week 7 Datasets (time series) - Actual_VisitorArrivalsMonthlyFrom1998, monthly arrivals into New Zealand by country of origin - Actual_VisitorArrivalsQuarterlyFrom1998, quarterly arrivals into New Zealand by country of origin - AverageVisitorsMonthly, average monthly visitors by country of origin - AverageVisitorsQuarterly, average quarterly visitors by country of origin


To load, for example, the "Gapminder 2008" data set, just run these commands in R:


iNZightVIT/FutureLearnData documentation built on May 17, 2019, 10:08 p.m.