  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>"

Here we attempt to provide useful code to generate figures from WRF outputs based on known galleries. For instance, NCL and WRF-Python provides extensive examples for plotting WRF outputs. Therefore, we aim to replicate some of these. Our approach to read wrfout files is based on eixport which relies r packages with GDAL bindings such as raster and stars. We do not try to provide a full gallery, instead, some basics and necessary plots to inspire other R used and receive more examples so share with the community.



Based on NCL:

wrfo <- "/media/sergio/ext5/WRF4/WRF/test/em_real/wrfout_d01_2014-10-03_00:00:00"

Reading HGT from wrfout

HGT <- wrf_get(wrfo,  "HGT", as_raster = T)
HGT <- HGT[[1]] # by default one variable with each time, so we select one

Adding coastlines and cropping for our study area

cl <- ne_countries(scale = "small", returnclass = "sf")
cl <- st_transform(cl, 31983)
HGT <- st_transform(st_as_stars(HGT), 31983)
cl <- st_cast(st_crop(cl, HGT), "LINESTRING")

Find colour palette for elevation

#spplot(HGT, main = "HGT using spplot", scales=list(draw = TRUE),
#       col.regions = cpt("grass_elevation"),
#       sp.layout = list("sp.lines", as_Spatial(cl), col = "black"))
cols <- classInt::classIntervals(HGT$HGT, n = 100, style = "pretty")
plot(HGT, axes = T, main = "HGT using stars", col = cpt("grass_elevation", n = length(cols$brks) - 1), breaks = cols$brks, reset = F)
plot(cl$geometry, add= T, col = "black")

ibarraespinosa/eixport documentation built on Feb. 13, 2024, 12:46 a.m.