taf.install: TAF Install

View source: R/taf.install.R

taf.installR Documentation

TAF Install


Install packages in ‘tar.gz’ format in local TAF library.


taf.install(targz = NULL, lib = taf.boot.path("library"), quiet = FALSE)



a package filename, vector of filenames, or NULL.


location of local TAF library.


whether to suppress messages.


If ⁠targz = NULL⁠, all packages found in ⁠boot/software⁠ are installed, as long as they have filenames of the form ⁠package_sha.tar.gz⁠ containing a 7-character SHA reference code.

The default behavior of taf.install is to install packages in alphabetical order. When the installation order matters because of dependencies, the user can specify a vector of package filenames to install.


No return value, called for side effects.


The taf.boot procedure downloads and installs R packages, without requiring the user to run taf.install. The main reason for a TAF user to run taf.install directly is to initialize and run a TAF analysis without running the boot procedure, e.g. to avoid updating the underlying datasets and software.

After installing the package, this function writes the remote SHA reference code into the package files ⁠DESCRIPTION⁠ and ⁠Meta/package.rds⁠.

See Also

taf.boot calls download.github and taf.install to download and install R packages.

taf.library loads a package from ⁠boot/library⁠.

clean.library selectively removes packages from the local TAF library.

install.packages is the underlying base function to install a package.

TAF-package gives an overview of the package.


## Not run: 
# Install one package

# Install all packages found in boot/software

## End(Not run)

ices-tools-prod/TAF documentation built on Nov. 15, 2024, 1:01 a.m.