
Defines functions already.in.taf.library taf.install

Documented in already.in.taf.library taf.install

#' TAF Install
#' Install packages in \file{tar.gz} format in local TAF library.
#' @param targz a package filename, vector of filenames, or \code{NULL}.
#' @param lib location of local TAF library.
#' @param quiet whether to suppress messages.
#' @details
#' If \verb{targz = NULL}, all packages found in \verb{boot/software} are
#' installed, as long as they have filenames of the form
#' \verb{package_sha.tar.gz} containing a 7-character SHA reference code.
#' The default behavior of \code{taf.install} is to install packages in
#' alphabetical order. When the installation order matters because of
#' dependencies, the user can specify a vector of package filenames to install.
#' @return No return value, called for side effects.
#' @note
#' The \code{taf.boot} procedure downloads and installs R packages, without
#' requiring the user to run \code{taf.install}. The main reason for a TAF user
#' to run \code{taf.install} directly is to initialize and run a TAF analysis
#' without running the boot procedure, e.g. to avoid updating the underlying
#' datasets and software.
#' After installing the package, this function writes the remote SHA reference
#' code into the package files \verb{DESCRIPTION} and \verb{Meta/package.rds}.
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{taf.boot}} calls \code{\link{download.github}} and
#' \code{taf.install} to download and install R packages.
#' \code{\link{taf.library}} loads a package from \verb{boot/library}.
#' \code{\link{clean.library}} selectively removes packages from the local TAF
#' library.
#' \code{\link{install.packages}} is the underlying base function to install a
#' package.
#' \code{\link{TAF-package}} gives an overview of the package.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Install one package
#' taf.install("boot/software/FLAssess_f1e5acb.tar.gz")
#' # Install all packages found in boot/software
#' taf.install()
#' }
#' @importFrom tools file_path_sans_ext
#' @importFrom utils install.packages
#' @export

taf.install <- function(targz=NULL, lib=taf.boot.path("library"), quiet=FALSE)
    targz <- dir(file.path(boot.dir(), "software"),
                 pattern="_[0-9a-f]{7}\\.tar\\.gz", full.names=TRUE)


  for(tgz in targz)
    pkg <- sub(".*/(.*)_.*", "\\1", tgz)     # path/pkg_sha.tar.gz -> pkg
    sha <- sub(".*_(.*?)\\..*", "\\1", tgz)  # path/pkg_sha.tar.gz -> sha

    if(!already.in.taf.library(tgz, lib))
      install.packages(tgz, lib=lib, repos=NULL, type="source", quiet=quiet)
    else if(!quiet)
      message("  Skipping install of '", basename(tgz), "' (already in place).")

#' @rdname TAF-internal
#' @importFrom utils packageDescription
#' @export

## Check whether requested package is already installed in the TAF library

already.in.taf.library <- function(targz, lib)
  pkg <- sub(".*/(.*)_.*", "\\1", targz)
  sha.tar <- sub(".*_(.*?)\\..*", "\\1", targz)

  sha.inst <- if(pkg %in% dir(lib))
                packageDescription(pkg, lib.loc=lib)$RemoteSha else NULL
  sha.inst <- substring(sha.inst, 1, nchar(sha.tar))
  identical(sha.tar, sha.inst)
ices-tools-prod/TAF documentation built on Nov. 15, 2024, 1:01 a.m.