Man pages for ices-tools-prod/fisheryO
Fisheries Overviews for ICES Advice

area_definitionICES Area and Ecoregion definitions
area_definition_mapICES Area and Ecoregion map
clean_sagClean SAG reference points and summary table
clean_stock_trendsClean stock status trends
eco_shapeICES Ecoregions
europe_shapeEurope map
fisheryOfisheryO: A "Research Compendium" for ICES Fisheries...
frmt_summary_tblFormat stock summary table
gesPie_funPie chart of proportion of stocks relative to GES reference...
ges_stock_propsProportion of stocks relative to GES reference points
guild_discards_funDiscard rate over time
ices_catch_dataICES catch time series
ices_catch_historical_rawHistorical Nominal Catches 1950-2010
ices_catch_official_rawOfficial Nominal Catches 2006-2015
ices_catch_plotLandings over time by country, guild, or species
ices_shapeICES Statistical Areas
ices_stock_propsProportion of stocks relative to ICES reference points
pa_makerConvert FPA to SBL
plot_kobeKobe plot of stock status
sag_keys_rawICES Stock Assessment Graphs database - keys
sag_refpts_rawICES Stock Assessment Graphs database - reference points
sag_stock_status_rawICES Stock Assessment Graphs database - stock status output
sag_summary_rawICES Stock Assessment Graphs database - summary information...
species_list_rawASFIS list of species
stecf_dataSTECF catch and effort time series
stecf_effort_rawSTECF nominal effort
stecf_landings_rawSTECF landings and discards
stecf_plotSTECF Landings over time by country, guild, or species
stock_catchCatch, discards, and landings by stock
stock_list_rawICES Stock database
stockPie_funPie chart of proportion of stocks relative to reference...
stock_propsProportion of stocks relative to reference points
stock_statusStock status and catch relative to reference points
stockSummaryTable_funRender html stock summary table
stock_trends_funStock status over time
ices-tools-prod/fisheryO documentation built on May 19, 2019, 8:22 a.m.