

Updating the C sources

  1. Check out and update the cigraph submodule to the desired version. sh git submodule init git submodule update # other git submodule commands to update the submodule to the desired version
  2. Clean the src/ directory: sh make -f Makefile-cigraph clean
  3. Update the src/ directory: sh make -f Makefile-cigraph

    Note that this may change files generated by flex and bison, and configure scripts, depending on the version of those tools. For stability, you can use a Docker image that uses pinned versions of these tools: sh docker run --rm -ti --platform linux/amd64 -v $(pwd):/root/workspace make -f Makefile-cigraph

  4. Commit and push

  5. Optional: Clean submodule sh git submodule deinit --all

igraph/rigraph documentation built on July 9, 2024, 6:43 p.m.