optimal.community: Optimal community structure

View source: R/community.R

optimal.communityR Documentation

Optimal community structure



optimal.community() was renamed to cluster_optimal() to create a more consistent API.


optimal.community(graph, weights = NULL)



The input graph. It may be undirected or directed.


The weights of the edges. It must be a positive numeric vector, NULL or NA. If it is NULL and the input graph has a ‘weight’ edge attribute, then that attribute will be used. If NULL and no such attribute is present, then the edges will have equal weights. Set this to NA if the graph was a ‘weight’ edge attribute, but you don't want to use it for community detection. A larger edge weight means a stronger connection for this function.

igraph/rigraph documentation built on Feb. 5, 2025, 6:29 p.m.