power.law.fit: Fitting a power-law distribution function to discrete data

View source: R/fit.R

power.law.fitR Documentation

Fitting a power-law distribution function to discrete data



power.law.fit() was renamed to fit_power_law() to create a more consistent API.


  xmin = NULL,
  start = 2,
  force.continuous = FALSE,
  implementation = c("plfit", "R.mle"),



The data to fit, a numeric vector. For implementation ‘R.mle’ the data must be integer values. For the ‘plfit’ implementation non-integer values might be present and then a continuous power-law distribution is fitted.


Numeric scalar, or NULL. The lower bound for fitting the power-law. If NULL, the smallest value in x will be used for the ‘R.mle’ implementation, and its value will be automatically determined for the ‘plfit’ implementation. This argument makes it possible to fit only the tail of the distribution.


Numeric scalar. The initial value of the exponent for the minimizing function, for the ‘R.mle’ implementation. Usually it is safe to leave this untouched.


Logical scalar. Whether to force a continuous distribution for the ‘plfit’ implementation, even if the sample vector contains integer values only (by chance). If this argument is false, igraph will assume a continuous distribution if at least one sample is non-integer and assume a discrete distribution otherwise.


Character scalar. Which implementation to use. See details below.


Additional arguments, passed to the maximum likelihood optimizing function, stats4::mle(), if the ‘R.mle’ implementation is chosen. It is ignored by the ‘plfit’ implementation.

igraph/rigraph documentation built on Oct. 17, 2024, 12:34 p.m.