sample_forestfire: Forest Fire Network Model

sample_forestfireR Documentation

Forest Fire Network Model


This is a growing network model, which resembles of how the forest fire spreads by igniting trees close by.


sample_forestfire(nodes, fw.prob, bw.factor = 1, ambs = 1, directed = TRUE)



The number of vertices in the graph.


The forward burning probability, see details below.


The backward burning ratio. The backward burning probability is calculated as bw.factor*fw.prob.


The number of ambassador vertices.


Logical scalar, whether to create a directed graph.


The forest fire model intends to reproduce the following network characteristics, observed in real networks:

  • Heavy-tailed in-degree distribution.

  • Heavy-tailed out-degree distribution.

  • Communities.

  • Densification power-law. The network is densifying in time, according to a power-law rule.

  • Shrinking diameter. The diameter of the network decreases in time.

The network is generated in the following way. One vertex is added at a time. This vertex connects to (cites) ambs vertices already present in the network, chosen uniformly random. Now, for each cited vertex v we do the following procedure:

  1. We generate two random number, x and y, that are geometrically distributed with means p/(1-p) and rp(1-rp). (p is fw.prob, r is bw.factor.) The new vertex cites x outgoing neighbors and y incoming neighbors of v, from those which are not yet cited by the new vertex. If there are less than x or y such vertices available then we cite all of them.

  2. The same procedure is applied to all the newly cited vertices.


A simple graph, possibly directed if the directed argument is TRUE.

Related documentation in the C library



The version of the model in the published paper is incorrect in the sense that it cannot generate the kind of graphs the authors claim. A corrected version is available from, our implementation is based on this.


Gabor Csardi


Jure Leskovec, Jon Kleinberg and Christos Faloutsos. Graphs over time: densification laws, shrinking diameters and possible explanations. KDD '05: Proceeding of the eleventh ACM SIGKDD international conference on Knowledge discovery in data mining, 177–187, 2005.

See Also

sample_pa() for the basic preferential attachment model.

Random graph models (games), sample_(), sample_bipartite(), sample_chung_lu(), sample_correlated_gnp(), sample_correlated_gnp_pair(), sample_degseq(), sample_dot_product(), sample_fitness(), sample_fitness_pl(), sample_gnm(), sample_gnp(), sample_grg(), sample_growing(), sample_hierarchical_sbm(), sample_islands(), sample_k_regular(), sample_last_cit(), sample_pa(), sample_pa_age(), sample_pref(), sample_sbm(), sample_smallworld(), sample_traits_callaway(), sample_tree()


fire <- sample_forestfire(50, fw.prob = 0.37, bw.factor = 0.32 / 0.37)

g <- sample_forestfire(10000, fw.prob = 0.37, bw.factor = 0.32 / 0.37)
dd1 <- degree_distribution(g, mode = "in")
dd2 <- degree_distribution(g, mode = "out")
# The forest fire model produces graphs with a heavy tail degree distribution.
# Note that some in- or out-degrees are zero which will be excluded from the logarithmic plot.
plot(seq(along.with = dd1) - 1, dd1, log = "xy")
points(seq(along.with = dd2) - 1, dd2, col = 2, pch = 2)

igraph/rigraph documentation built on Feb. 5, 2025, 6:29 p.m.