
Defines functions tht

Documented in tht

#' Andrews path function
#' Make an Andrews path function = c(1/sqrt(2), sin(t), cos(t), ... , sin(k*t), cos(k*t))
#' @param p The dimension.
#' @param t The time point.
#' @export
#' @return p-vector of Andrews path function at time t
#' @examples
#' # 5-vector of Andrews path at time 4
#' tht(5,4)
#' @seealso \code{\link{plotAnd}}, \code{\link{parallelAnd}}

tht <-
    v <- 1/sqrt(2)
    l <- ceiling((p-1)/2)
    if(l!=0) for(l in 1:l)
                  v[1+(2*l-1)] <- sin(l*t)
                  v[1+2*l] <- cos(l*t)
ikwak2/APCP documentation built on March 14, 2023, 7:14 p.m.