
Defines functions getprofile

Documented in getprofile

#' Make a profile LOD score matrix for a given multiple QTL model.
#' Calculate profile LOD scores for each chromosome.
#' @param cross
#' An object of class \code{"cross"}. See \code{\link[qtl]{read.cross}} for detail.
#' @param pheno.cols Columns in the phenotype matrix to be used as the
#' phenotype.
#' @param qtl A QTL object, as produced by \code{\link[qtl]{makeqtl}}, containing the positions
#' of the QTL.  Provide either \code{qtl} or the pair \code{chr} and \code{pos}.
#' @param chr Vector indicating the chromosome for each QTL; if \code{qtl} is
#' provided, this should not be.
#' @param pos Vector indicating the positions for each QTL; if \code{qtl} is
#' provided, this should not be.
#' @param qtl.name Optional user-specified name for each QTL.  If \code{qtl} is
#' provided, this should not be.
#' @param covar A matrix or data.frame of covariates.  These must be strictly
#' numeric.
#' @param formula An object of class 'formula' indicating the model to be
#' fitted.  (It can also be the character string representation of a formula.)
#' QTLs are indicated as 'Q1', 'Q2', etc.  Covariates are indicated by their
#' names in 'covar'.
#' @param method Indicates whether to use multiple imputation or Haley-Knott
#' regression.
#' @param verbose If TRUE, give feedback about progress.  If 'verbose' is an
#' integer > 1, further messages from 'scanqtl' are also displayed.
#' @param tpy type of output. If there are more QTL's in one chromosome. It
#' plot them separately if \code{tpy = "sep"}, On the other hand, it combine then in
#' one chromosome taking maximum values of them if \code{tpy = "comb"}.
#' @return A \code{"lodprofileM"} or \code{"lodprofileM2"} object.
#' @author Il-Youp Kwak, <email: ikwak2@@stat.wisc.edu>
#' @seealso \code{\link{plotprofile}}
#' @keywords models
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(simspal)
#' simspal <- calc.genoprob(simspal, step=0)
#' \dontshow{simspal <- subset(simspal,chr=c(1,3,4), ind=1:50)}
#' phe <- 1:nphe(simspal)
#' \dontshow{phe <- seq(1, nphe(simspal), by=60)}
#' # difference between tpy = "sep" and "comb"
#' par(mfrow=c(1,2))
#' qtlslod <- makeqtl(simspal, chr = c(1, 1, 4),
#'                pos = c(36.6, 61, 27.8), what = "prob")
#' lodmat1 <- getprofile(simspal, qtl =  qtlslod, pheno.cols =phe,
#'                     formula = y~Q1 + Q2 + Q3 , method = "hk", tpy = "sep")
#' plotprofile(lodmat1, main="tpy=\"sep\"")
#' lodmat2 <- getprofile(simspal, qtl =  qtlslod, pheno.cols =phe,
#'                     formula = y~Q1 + Q2 + Q3 , method = "hk", tpy = "comb")
#' plotprofile(lodmat2, main="tpy=\"comb\"")
getprofile <-
function(cross, pheno.cols, qtl, chr, pos, qtl.name, covar = NULL,
         formula, method = c("hk", "imp"), verbose = TRUE, tpy = c("comb","sep"))
    tpy <- match.arg(tpy)

    if( tpy == "comb" ) {
        out <- profileLodMatfn2(cross = cross, pheno.cols = pheno.cols, qtl = qtl,
                                chr = chr, pos = pos, qtl.name = qtl.name,
                                covar = covar, formula = formula, method = method,
                                verbose = verbose)
    } else if (tpy == "sep") {
        out <- profileLodMatfn(cross = cross, pheno.cols = pheno.cols, qtl = qtl,
                                chr = chr, pos = pos, qtl.name = qtl.name,
                                covar = covar, formula = formula, method = method,
                                verbose = verbose)
ikwak2/funqtl documentation built on April 20, 2022, 3:58 a.m.