
Defines functions methyLImp pinvr inv.plogit plogit imputation

Documented in imputation plogit

#' Imputation function for DNA methylation
#' @param methy is a matrix of methylation beta values with missing data
#' @param dist The distance to use for impuation model construction
#' @param methy_clin The methlation annotation provided
#' @return Methy Matrix with complete DNA methylation
#' @export imputation

imputation <- function(methy = methy, dist = dist, Methylation.Annotation = Methylation.Annotation){
    missing <- rowSums(is.na(methy))
    for(i in seq_len(length(missing))){
            if(missing[i]==0) next()
            tmp <- Methylation.Annotation[i]
            impute <- Methy[(seqnames(Methylation.Annotation) == seqnames(tmp) & start(Methylation.Annotation)
                             <= start(tmp) +dist) &
                                (seqnames(Methylation.Annotation) == seqnames(tmp) & start(Methylation.Annotation)
                                 >= start(tmp) - dist) ]
            impute <- impute[rowSums(is.na(impute)) == 0 | rownames(impute) %in% rownames(tmp), ]
            out <- Imputation(t(impute))
            Methy[i,] <- out[ ,match(rownames(tmp),colnames(out))]
        }, error=function(e){})
    Methy <- ifelse(Methy == 1, 0.99, ifelse(Methy == 0, 0.01, Methy))
    Methy <- Methy[rowSums(is.na(Methy)) == 0,]

#####Methylation Imputation Function

plogit <- function(x, min=0, max=1)
    p <- (x-min)/(max-min)
    # fix -Inf
    p <- ifelse(p <   .Machine$double.neg.eps,  .Machine$double.neg.eps,p)
    # fix +Inf
    p <- ifelse(p > 1-.Machine$double.neg.eps,1-.Machine$double.neg.eps,p)

inv.plogit <- function(x, min=0, max=1)
    p <- exp(x)/(1+exp(x))
    # fix problems with +Inf
    p <- ifelse(is.na(p) & !is.na(x), 1, p )
    # fix 0 rounding
    p <- ifelse(p <= exp(plogit(0))/(1+exp(plogit(0))), 0, p)
    p * (max-min) + min

pinvr <- function(X, max.sv = min(dim(X)), tol = sqrt(.Machine$double.eps))
    # based on suggestions of R. M. Heiberger, T. M. Hesterberg and WNV
    if(length(dim(X)) > 2L || !(is.numeric(X) || is.complex(X)))
        stop("'X' must be a numeric or complex matrix")
    if(!is.matrix(X)) X <- as.matrix(X)
    Xsvd <- svd(X)
    if(is.complex(X)) Xsvd$u <- Conj(Xsvd$u)
    Positive <- Xsvd$d > max(tol * Xsvd$d[1L], 0)

    # Rank reduction extension: START
    max.sv      <- min(ifelse(max.sv < 0, 1, max.sv),min(dim(X)))
    L           <- logical(length(Positive))
    L[seq_len(max.sv)] <- TRUE
    Positive    <- Positive & L
    # Rank reduction extension: END

    if (all(Positive)) Xsvd$v %*% (1/Xsvd$d * t(Xsvd$u))
    else if(!any(Positive)) array(0, dim(X)[2L:1L])
    else Xsvd$v[, Positive, drop=FALSE] %*% ((1/Xsvd$d[Positive]) * t(Xsvd$u[, Positive, drop=FALSE]))

methyLImp <- function(dat, min = 0, max = 1, max.sv = NULL, col.list = NULL)
    out    <- dat
    NAcols <- colSums(is.na(dat)) > 0; NAcols <- which(NAcols)

    # Convert col.list, if any, from names to numbers
    if(is.character(col.list)) {
            col.list <- NULL
            col.list <- which(colnames(dat) %in% col.list)

    # If all the colums have a missing value we cannot do anything
    if(length(NAcols) < ncol(dat)) {
        # Columns with all NAs or a single not NA value (to be excluded:
        # not enough information for imputation)
        NAall  <- colSums(is.na(dat))<(nrow(dat)-1); NAall <- which(NAall)
        # List of columns to impute
        NAlist <- intersect(NAcols, NAall)
        # Filter the columns to impute according to col.list
            NAlist <- intersect(NAlist,col.list)

        while(length(NAlist) != 0) {
            col_id <- NAlist[1]

            # List of rows for which col_id is NA
            row_id <- which(is.na(dat[,col_id])==TRUE)

            # Colum indexes of NA columns for all the row_id(s)
            if(length(row_id) == 1)
                tmp1 <- which(is.na(dat[row_id,])==TRUE)
                tmp1 <- which(colSums(is.na(dat[row_id,])) == length(row_id))

            # Column indexes: no colum element is NA for the rows not in row_id
            tmp2   <- which(colSums(is.na(dat[-row_id,])) == 0)

            # List of colums in NAlist that are NA only for all the row_id(s)
            NAcols_rowid <- intersect(intersect(tmp1,tmp2),NAlist)

            # Extract submatrices for regression
            A <- dat[-row_id,-NAcols]
            B <- dat[-row_id,NAcols_rowid]
            C <- dat[row_id,-NAcols]

            # Updates or computes max.sv from A. Negative or zero value not allowed
            max.sv <- max(ifelse(is.null(max.sv),min(dim(A)),max.sv),1)

            if(is.null(min) || is.null(max)) {
                # Unrestricted-range imputation
                # X <- pinvr(A,rank)%*%B (X = A^-1*B)
                # O <- C%*%X             (O = C*X)
                out[row_id,NAcols_rowid] <- C%*%(pinvr(A,max.sv)%*%B)
            } else {
                # Bounde-range imputation
                # X <- pinvr(A,rank)%*%logit(B,min,max) (X = A^-1*logit(B))
                # P <- inv.logit(C%*%X,min,max)         (P = logit^-1(C*X))
                out[row_id,NAcols_rowid] <- inv.plogit(C%*%(pinvr(A,max.sv)%*%plogit(B,min,max)),min,max)

            # Update NA column list
            NAlist <- setdiff(NAlist,NAcols_rowid)
iloveless1/EPIExPRS documentation built on Dec. 20, 2021, 6:55 p.m.