microclimaforNMR: Extract NCEP data and run microclima for use with NicheMapR

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microclimaforNMRR Documentation

Extract NCEP data and run microclima for use with NicheMapR


Extract NCEP data and run microclima for use with NicheMapR


  coastal = TRUE,
  hourlydata = NA,
  dailyprecip = NA,
  dem = NA,
  demmeso = dem,
  albr = 0.15,
  resolution = 100,
  zmin = 0,
  slope = NA,
  aspect = NA,
  horizon = NA,
  svf = NA,
  difani = TRUE,
  windthresh = 4.5,
  emthresh = 0.78,
  reanalysis2 = FALSE,
  steps = 8,
  use.raster = TRUE,
  plot.progress = TRUE,
  tidyr = FALSE,
  weather.elev = "ncep",
  cad.effects = TRUE



the latitude (in decimal degrees) of the location for point data are required.


the longitude (in decimal degrees) of the location for point data are required.


start date as character of time period required in format DD/MM/YYYY (UTC timezones assumed)


end date as character of time period required in format DD/MM/YYYY (UTC timezones assumed)


a single numeric value of the leaf area index for location (see details).


a single numeric value representing the ratio of vertical to horizontal projections of leaf foliage for the location (see details).


an optional logical value indicating whether to calculate coastal effects using coastalNCEP().


an optional data frame of ourly weather and radiation data as returned by function hourlyNCEP(). Function called if data not provided.


an optional data frame of ourly weather and radiation data as returned by function dailyprecipNCEP(). Function called if data not provided.


an optional SpatRaster object of elevations covering the location for which point data are required. If not provided, one is downloaded from the registry of Open Data on AWS. Used to calculate coastal, wind and radiation effects


an optional SpatRaster object of elevations covering the location for which point data are required. Used to calculate elevation and cold air drainage effects.


albedo of ground surface from which radiation is reflected (see details)


the resolution (in metres) of the dem used for downscaling (see details).


assumed sea-level height. Values below this are set to zmin (see details).


an optional slope value for the location in decimal degrees. If not specified, then the slope is calculated from the retrieved dem.


an optional aspect value for the location in decimal degrees. If not specified, then the slope is calculated from the retrieved dem.


an optional threshold wind value (m /s) above which cold air drainage is assumed not to occur


an optional threshold emissivity value above which cold air drainage is assumed not to occur


Logical. Should data be obtained from the Reanalysis II dataset (default) or from Reanalysis I (data prior to 1979).


an optional integer. Coastal effects are calculated in specified directions upwind. Steps defines the total number of directions used. If the default 8 is specified, coastal effects are calculated at 45º intervals.


an optional logical value indicating whether to mask the output values by landsea.


logical value indicating whether to produce plots to track progress.


logical value indicating whether to download 30m resolution digital elevation data.


optional value indicating the elevation of values in hourlydata. Either a numeric value, corresponding to the elevation in (m) of the location from which hourlydata were obtained, or one of ncep (default, data derive from NOAA-NCEP reanalysis) project or era5 (derived from Copernicus ERA5 climate reanalysis).


optional logical indicating whether to calaculate cold air drainage effects (TRUE = Yes, slower. FALSE = No, quicker)


The package NicheMapR (Kearney & Porter 2016), includes a suite of programs for mechanistic modelling of heat and mass exchange and provides a time-series of hourly estimates of above- and below‐ground conditions. It has the significant advantage over microclima in that it works entirely from first principles does not require measurements of temperature for calibration, but does not explicitly model elevation and cold-air drainage effects. The slope, aspect and canopy effects must be specified by the user, and their effect on radiation are more simplistically modelled than by microclima.


a list with the following objects:

(1) hourlydata: a data frame of hourly climate data from NCEP, as returned by hourlyNCEP().

(2) hourlyradwind: A data frame with seven columns: (i) swrad: total downward shortwave radiation as a funcion of slope, aspect and canopy shading (MJ m-2 hr-1) as returned by shortwaveveg().(ii) skyviewfact: a topographic sky view correction factor as returned by skyviewveg(). (iii) canopyfact a canopy shading factor weighted by the ratio of direct to diffuse radiation. (iv) whselt: a ground level wind shelter coefficient as returned by windcoef(). (v) windspeed: wind speed (m /s) at 2 m, corrected for topographic sheltering. (vi) slope: the slope (decimal degrees) of the location specified by lat and long. Either the same as that input, or determined from dem. (vii) aspect: the aspect (decimal degrees) of the location specified by lat and long. Either the same as that input, or determined from dem.

(3) tref: a dataframe with five columns (i) tref the reference temperature, derived from NCEP data. (ii) elev the elevation of the location. (iii) elevncep: the mean elevation of the 2.5º grid cell corresponding to that from which NCEP data were derived. (iv) telev the expected difference in temperature due to elevation, calculated by applying lapserate(). (v) tcad the expected difference in temperature due to cold air drainage effects, determined using pcad() and cadconditions().

(4) dailyprecip a vector of daily rainfalls derived from NCEP.

(5) acoast an array of temperatures that account for coastal effects for each pixel of dem and each hour of hourlydata.

(6) basins a SpatRaster object of basins used for calculating cold air drainage.

(7) flowacc a SpatRaster object of accumulated flow.


Kearney MR, Porter WP (2016) NicheMapR – an R package for biophysical modelling: the microclimate model. Ecography 40: 664-674.

See Also

Function get_dem() for retrieving digital elevation data and hourlyNCEP() for retrieving and processing hourly data from NCEP and coastalNCEP() for retrieving and processing coastal effects.


mnr <- microclimaforNMR(50, -5.2, '15/01/2015', '15/02/2015', 1, 1, coastal = FALSE)

ilyamaclean/microclima documentation built on Sept. 5, 2024, 8:37 p.m.