dndscv-package: Detection of selection in cancer and somatic evolution

dndscv-packageR Documentation

Detection of selection in cancer and somatic evolution


Detection of selection in cancer and somatic evolution


The dNdScv R package is a suite of maximum-likelihood dN/dS methods designed to quantify selection in cancer and somatic evolution (Martincorena et al., 2017). The package contains functions to quantify dN/dS ratios for missense, nonsense and essential splice mutations, at the level of individual genes, groups of genes or at whole-genome level. The dNdScv method was designed to detect cancer driver genes (i.e. genes under positive selection in cancer) on datasets ranging from a few samples to thousands of samples, in whole-exome/genome or targeted sequencing studies.


Inigo Martincorena, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, im3@sanger.ac.uk


Martincorena I, et al. (2017) Universal Patterns of Selection in Cancer and Somatic Tissues. Cell.

See Also



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