
#' @title Species catch in the database of PBP.
#' @name catchSpecies
#' @description Data with a list of species and taxonomic groups finding on bitacoras catches.
#' @aliases catchSpecies
#' @docType data
#' @usage catchSpecies
#' @format A \code{data.frame} with three columns of: name of spcies catch, taxonomic group, and the common species name.
#' @references imarpe package vignette.

#' @title Isoparalitoral area.
#' @name AIPShapefile
#' @description The peruvian shape isoparalitoral area.
#' @aliases AIPShapefile
#' @docType data
#' @usage AIPShapefile
#' @format A \code{shapefile} with the information of the isoparalitoral area: longitude, latitude, area and perimeter.
#' @references imarpe package vignette.

#' @title Colours for the package.
#' @name imarpeColours
#' @description Vector of colours to use in the package.
#' @aliases imarpeColours
#' @docType data
#' @usage imarpeColours
#' @references imarpe package vignette.

#' @title Abbreviations of the months.
#' @name month.abb_spanish
#' @description Vector with the months names abbreviations on spanish.
#' @aliases month.abb_spanish
#' @docType data
#' @usage month.abb_spanish
#' @format A \code{vector} containing the abbreviations of the months of the year.
#' @references imarpe package vignette.

#' @title Peruvian port data.
#' @name portData
#' @description Data with a list of ports around peruvian coast.
#' @aliases portData
#' @docType data
#' @usage portData
#' @format A \code{data.frame} with six columns: the name of the port, the pattern to find the name
#'  of the port, the longitude and latitude of their names, the area (north, south and central) of
#'   ports and the importance of the port according the history of the fishery.
#' @references imarpe package vignette.

#' @title Anchovy season for the north-central region.
#' @name seasonAnchovyNC
#' @description Historical records of the opening and closing of anchovy fishing
#' seasons in the north-central region of the Peruvian coast.
#' @aliases seasonAnchovyNC
#' @docType data
#' @usage seasonAnchovyNC
#' @format A \code{data.frame} with four columns: year, the start date of the season for the
#' year, the end date of the season, and a code for the season.
#' @references imarpe package vignette.

#' @title Anchovy season for the south region.
#' @name seasonAnchovyS
#' @description Historical records of the opening and closing of anchovy fishing
#' seasons in the south region of the Peruvian coast.
#' @aliases seasonAnchovyS
#' @docType data
#' @usage seasonAnchovyS
#' @format A \code{data.frame} with four columns: year, the start date of the season for the
#' year, the end date of the season, and a code for the season.
#' @references imarpe package vignette.

#' @title Lista de puertos
#' @name harborData

#' @title Lista de especies
#' @name species
imarpe/imarpe documentation built on Aug. 8, 2020, 8:40 p.m.