
#' Summarizing multiple interaction models on the same variables
#' @description This function selects all lines with equal interacting variables
#'    from a model-list like returned by function read_mbmdr from this package
#'    and creates a global HLO-table that summarizes all single HLO-tables best.
#' @param calculated_models a data.frame with interacting variables like
#'    returned by function read_mbmdr
#' @return a data.frame like the input table, but only with the columns
#'    First_Marker, Second_Marker, models and count (the number of summarized tables).
#' @export

reduce_calculated_models <- function(calculated_models){

  relevant_interactions_by_index <- which(table(calculated_models$First_Marker,
                                                calculated_models$Second_Marker) > 0,
                                          arr.ind =  TRUE,
                                          useNames = FALSE)

  relevant_interactions_by_name <-
    data.frame(first  = rownames(table(calculated_models$First_Marker,
                                       calculated_models$Second_Marker))[relevant_interactions_by_index[, 1]],
               second = colnames(table(calculated_models$First_Marker,
                                       calculated_models$Second_Marker))[relevant_interactions_by_index[, 2]])
  equal_interactions <- apply(X = relevant_interactions_by_name,
                              MARGIN = 1,
                              FUN = function(x, data){
                                a1 <- data$First_Marker == x[[1]]
                                b1 <- data$Second_Marker == x[[2]]
                                return(which(a1 & b1))},
                              data = calculated_models)

  new_intercations <- lapply(X = equal_interactions,
                             FUN = reduce_models_to_single_HLO,
                             calculated_models = calculated_models)

  return(do.call(what = rbind, args = new_intercations))


#' Summarizing equal interaction models
#' @description This function is a sub-function of reduce_calculated_models.
#'    It evaluates the best model that fits to all HLO-tables for a single
#'    interacting variable pair best.
#' @param ids A vector of row-numbers of calculated_models with equal variable
#'    pairs (which should be summarized)
#' @param calculated_models a data.frame with interacting variables like
#'    returned by function read_mbmdr
#' @return one line for result of reduce_calculated_models

reduce_models_to_single_HLO <- function(ids, calculated_models){
  currently_summarized_models <- calculated_models[ids, ]

  colnames_list <- unique(unlist(lapply(X = currently_summarized_models$models,
                                        FUN = colnames)))
  rownames_list <- unique(unlist(lapply(X = currently_summarized_models$models,
                                        FUN = rownames)))
  Hs <- matrix(data = 0,
               nrow = length(rownames_list),
               ncol = length(colnames_list),
               dimnames = list(colnames_list,
  Ls <- matrix(data = 0,
               nrow = length(rownames_list),
               ncol = length(colnames_list),
               dimnames = list(colnames_list,

  for (i in 1:nrow(currently_summarized_models)){

       colnames(currently_summarized_models$models[[i]])] <-
         colnames(currently_summarized_models$models[[i]])] +
      (currently_summarized_models$models[[i]] == "H")

       colnames(currently_summarized_models$models[[i]])] <-
         colnames(currently_summarized_models$models[[i]])] +
      (currently_summarized_models$models[[i]] == "L")

  res <- matrix(data = "O",
                nrow = length(rownames_list),
                ncol = length(colnames_list),
                dimnames = list(colnames_list,

  for (i in 1:length(rownames_list)){
    for (j in 1:length(colnames_list)){
      significant_cell <- ifelse(test = (Hs[i,j] + Ls[i,j] > 0),
                                 yes = binom.test(x = Hs[i,j],
                                                  n = Hs[i,j] + Ls[i,j],
                                                  p = 0.5)$p.value < .05,
                                 no = FALSE)
        res[i,j] <- ifelse(test = (Hs[i,j] >= Ls[i,j]),
                           yes = "H",
                           no = "L")
  return_value <- data.frame(First_Marker  = currently_summarized_models$First_Marker[1],
                             Second_Marker = currently_summarized_models$Second_Marker[1],
                             count         = nrow(currently_summarized_models))
  return_value$models <- list(res)
imbs-hl/MDRDist documentation built on May 18, 2019, 4:45 a.m.