Man pages for immackay/plotlyclimateca functions for Canada climate data

compile.ClimateDataCompile all files for 'station' into year-by-year .csv files
download.ClimateDataBase utility for Bulk Climate Data fetching
download.ClimateDataAllDownload all available data for the specified 'timeframe'
download.ClimateDataStationsDownload all data from 'stations' for the specified...
plot.ClimatePlot the temperature on a time-series graph
plot.ClimateAnimationPlot the temperature on an animation
plot.ClimateMapPlot the temperature on a map
read.ClimateCSVRead the downloaded data for 'station', 'year'
read.ClimateHeaderRead the header information for 'station'
read.ClimateStationListRead the station list
immackay/plotlyclimateca documentation built on May 20, 2019, 5:42 p.m.