
Defines functions compute_simpson_index

Documented in compute_simpson_index

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#' Compute the Local Inverse Simpson Index (LISI)
#' @param D Distance matrix of K nearest neighbors.
#' @param knn_idx Adjacency matrix of K nearest neighbors.
#' @param batch_labels A categorical variable.
#' @param n_batches The number of categories in the categorical variable.
#' @param perplexity The effective number of neighbors around each cell.
#' @param tol Stop when the score converges to this tolerance.
#' @export
compute_simpson_index <- function(D, knn_idx, batch_labels, n_batches, perplexity = 15, tol = 1e-5) {
    .Call('_lisi_compute_simpson_index', PACKAGE = 'lisi', D, knn_idx, batch_labels, n_batches, perplexity, tol)
immunogenomics/LISI documentation built on July 30, 2020, 5:49 a.m.