API for immunogenomics/harmony
Fast, Sensitive, and Accurate Integration of Single Cell Data

Global functions
%>% Man page
HarmonyConvergencePlot Source code
HarmonyMatrix Source code
RunHarmony Man page Source code
RunHarmony.Seurat Man page Source code
RunHarmony.SingleCellExperiment Man page Source code
RunHarmony.default Man page Source code
cell_lines Man page
cell_lines_small Man page
check_legacy_args Source code
find_lambda_cpp Source code
harmonize Source code
harmony Man page
harmony_options Man page Source code
kmeans_centers Source code
legacy_warning Source code
moe_ridge_get_betas Man page Source code
scaleData Source code
scaleRows_dgc Source code
setOMPthreads Source code
validate_block.size Source code
immunogenomics/harmony documentation built on Nov. 16, 2023, 12:19 a.m.