
#' Find other drug poisonings.
#' excluding opioid, sedative, antidepressant,
#' psycho-stimulant, cocaine, and alcohol
#' @param data input data
#' @param underly_col underlying cause column index
#' @param mult_col multicause index
#' @return other_drugs
#' @export
#' @examples to be added
od_fatal_other <- function(data, underly_col, mult_col) {
	data %>%
		mutate(any_drugs = od_create_diag(., expr = "X4[0-4]|X6[0-4]|X85|Y1[0-4]", colvec = underly_col)) %>%
		mutate(other_drugs = od_create_cond_diag(., expr = "^(?!(X4[0-4]|X6[0-4]|X85|Y1[0-4]|T40[0-6]|T42|T43[0-6]|$))(T3[6-9]|T4[0-9]|T50)", colvec = mult_col, cond.var = any_drugs)) %>%
injuryepi/overdoser documentation built on May 12, 2019, 12:05 p.m.