
#' @name Poisson2_1D
#' @title 1-Dimensional NonHomogeneous Poisson example.
#' @docType data
#' @description Point data and count data, together with intensity function and expected counts for
#' a unimodal nonhomogeneous 1-dimensional Poisson process example.
#' @aliases lambda2_1D cov2_1D E_nc2 pts2 countdata2
#' @usage data(Poisson2_1D)
#' @format The data contain the following `R` objects:
#'  \describe{
#'    \item{`lambda2_1D`:}{ A function defining the intensity function of a
#'    nonhomogeneous Poisson process. Note that this function is only defined on
#'    the interval (0,55).}
#'    \item{`cov2_1D`:}{ A function that gives what we will call a
#'    'habitat suitability' covariate in 1D space.}
#'    \item{`E_nc2`}{ The expected counts of the gridded data.}
#'    \item{`pts2`}{ The locations of the observed points (a data frame with one column, named `x`).}
#'    \item{`countdata2`}{ A data frame with three columns, containing the count data:}
#'    \describe{
#'      \item{`x`}{ The grid cell midpoint.}
#'      \item{`count`}{ The number of detections in the cell.}
#'      \item{`exposure`}{ The width of the cell.}
#'    }
#'  }
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' if (require("ggplot2", quietly = TRUE)) {
#'   data(Poisson2_1D)
#'   p1 <- ggplot(countdata2) +
#'     geom_point(data = countdata2, aes(x = x, y = count), col = "blue") +
#'     ylim(0, max(countdata2$count, E_nc2)) +
#'     geom_point(
#'       data = countdata2, aes(x = x), y = 0, shape = "+",
#'       col = "blue", cex = 4
#'     ) +
#'     geom_point(
#'       data = data.frame(x = countdata2$x, y = E_nc2), aes(x = x),
#'       y = E_nc2, shape = "_", cex = 5
#'     ) +
#'     xlab(expression(bold(s))) +
#'     ylab("count")
#'   ss <- seq(0, 55, length.out = 200)
#'   lambda <- lambda2_1D(ss)
#'   p2 <- ggplot() +
#'     geom_line(
#'       data = data.frame(x = ss, y = lambda),
#'       aes(x = x, y = y), col = "blue"
#'     ) +
#'     ylim(0, max(lambda)) +
#'     geom_point(data = pts2, aes(x = x), y = 0.2, shape = "|", cex = 4) +
#'     xlab(expression(bold(s))) +
#'     ylab(expression(lambda(bold(s))))
#'   multiplot(p1, p2, cols = 1)
#' }
#' }
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