Man pages for irwinsnet/FIRST_api_R
Tools to Download and Convert FIRST API Data to R Data Frames

dot-AddHTTPArgsAdd GET parameters to a URL string.
dot-FactorColumnsConvert character columns to factors
dot-GetHTTPSend an HTTP request.
dot-GetLocalDataExtract FIRST data from a local file.
dot-PreserveAttributesReassign firstapiR attributes to a data frame.
dot-SetColumnOrderSet the column order of a data frame.
dot-TrimColNamesRemove prefixes from data frame column names
firstapiRfirstapiR 2.0.1: R Functions for Connecting to the FIRST API...
FRC_Data2016 FRC Championship Data
GetAllDownload all data for a specific FRC competition.
GetAlliancesGet teams assigned to playoff alliances
GetAwardsGet the awards that were presented at an event
GetAwardsListGet a list of all available awards for a season
GetDistrictsGet a list of FIRST districts
GetEventsGet information about FRC events
GetHybridScheduleGet the match schedule and results
GetMatchResultsGet match scores and participating teams
GetRankingsGet team rankings
GetScheduleGet the match schedule for a specific event
GetScoresGet detailed match scores
GetSeasonGet high-level information for an FRC season
GetServerStatusGet the status of the FIRST API server
GetSessionCreate a firstapiR session
GetTeamsGet details on FRC teams
MergeResultsMerge HybridSchedule and Scores data into a single data...
ReadDataReads data from an RDS data file via a file open dialog.
SaveDataSaves data to an RDS data file via a file save dialog.
standard_attributesStandard firstapiR Attributes
ToAllianceShapeConvert a Schedule, Hybrid, or MatchResults data frame to...
ToMatchShapeConvert a Schedule, Hybrid, or MatchResults data frame to...
ToTeamShapeConvert a Schedule, Hybrid, or MatchResults data frame to...
irwinsnet/FIRST_api_R documentation built on Dec. 22, 2020, 5:12 p.m.