query_ctd_dise: Function to query CTDbase using disease terminology

View source: R/query_ctd_dise.R

query_ctd_diseR Documentation

Function to query CTDbase using disease terminology


This function checks for CTDbase disease vocabulary and query CTDbase for each one, downloading disease-gene interactions, chemicals interactions, associated diseases, associated KEGG pathways and associated GO terms.


query_ctd_dise(terms, ask = TRUE, verbose = FALSE)



Character vector with the diseases used in the query.


(default TRUE) If TRUE it asks the the persistent location must be used to save the vocabulary if it was not downloaded previously.


(default FALSE) If set to TRUE is shows relevant information of each step.


An object of class CTDdata.


# Example in a tryCatch, since we are performing a connection to a server we might
# get a refused connection due to a server rejection. Evaluate the recieved HTTP 
# message to understand if the server is not available or if your IP adress is temporarly restricted
rst <- tryCatch({query_ctd_dise( terms = "Asthma", verbose = TRUE )}, error = function(w){NULL})

isglobal-brge/CTDquerier documentation built on Oct. 6, 2022, 1:18 p.m.