
#' Light area index
#' @export
lai <- function(int, ext, lat, lon, date, hour) {
  .doy <- doy(date)
  .declin <- declin(.doy)
  .te <- te(.doy)
  .to <- to(lon, .te)
  .zh <- zh(lat, .declin, hour, .to)
  .qg <- qg(.zh)
  .ext_mj <- ext_mj(ext)
  .r <- r(.ext_mj, .qg)
  .fb <- fb(.r, .qg)
  .tau <- tau(int, ext)
  .k <- k(.zh)

  ((1 - 1 / (2 * .k)) * .fb - 1) * log(.tau) / (0.86 * (1 - 0.47 * .fb))

#' day of the year
#' @export
doy <- function(date) {
  as.POSIXlt(date)$yday + 1

# Helpers -----------------------------------------------------------------

# solar declination
declin <- function(doy) {
  asin(0.39785 * sin(4.869 + (0.0172 * doy) + 0.03345 * sin(6.224 + 0.0172 * doy)))

# time equation
te <- function(doy) {
  a <- (279.575 + 0.986 * doy) * (pi / 180)
    -104.7 * sin(a) + 596.2 * sin(2 * a) + 4.3 * sin(3 * a) - 12.7 * sin(4 * a) -
    429.9 * cos(a) - 2 * cos(2 * a) + 19.3 * cos(3 * a)
  ) / 3600

# minimum solar zenith
to <- function(lon, te) {
  lc <- (lon - (-45)) * (1 / 15)
  12 - lc - te

# zenith angle
zh <- function(lat, declin, hour, to) {
  a <- acos(
    (sin(lat * pi / 180) * sin(declin)) +
    (cos(lat * pi / 180) * cos(declin) * cos(0.2618 * (hour - to)))
  a * (180 / pi)

# Extraterrestrial Solar Radiation
qg <- function(zh) {
  sc <- 1367 * 10 ^ (-6) * 3600 # solar constant
  z <- sc * cos(zh * pi / 180)
  z[z < 0] <- 0


# conversion of μmols m-2 s-1 (Ceptometro) to MJ m-2 h-1 and correction of
# quantum efficiency for direct and diffuse radiation
ext_mj <- function(ext) {
    ext >= 700,
    ((ext/4.57)*3600/1000000)/0.4348, # possui radiação direta e difusa
    ((ext/4.24)*3600/1000000)/0.4348  # possui radiacao difusa

# ratio of incident solar radiation
r <- function(ext_mj, qg) {
  z <- ext_mj / qg
  z[ext_mj == 0] <- 0.2
  z[qg == 0] <- 0.2
  z[ext_mj / qg > 0.82] <- 0.82
  z[ext_mj / qg < 0.2]  <- 0.2


# direct radiation fraction
fb <- function(r, qg) {
  z <- 1.395 + (r * (-14.43 + (r * (48.57 + (r * (-59.024 + (r * 24.835)))))))
  z[qg == 0] <- 0
  z[z < 0] <- 0


# PAR radiation registered under the canopy
tau <- function(int, ext) {
  int / ext

# coefficient of light extinction
k <- function(zh, chi = 1) {
  chi <- 1 # Wang(2007)
  sqrt(chi ^ 2 + (tan(zh * pi / 180)) ^ 2) /
    (chi + 1.744 * (chi + 1.182)^(-0.733))
italocegatta/forestr documentation built on May 18, 2019, 5:52 a.m.