
Defines functions fastNN_binary_func

#Algorithm to find a hopefully near-optimal match of pairs
#In a treatment and control group
#Works by first ordering by the propensity score matching value,
#and then working through this list in order from highest to lowest.
#Matches are removed each step.

fastNN_binary_func <- function(dta,trtMntVar,ids,curgrp,dist_PSM)
  #Fast nearest neighbors search - will not arrive at optimum,
  #but this may not be an issue for many analysis.
  #Effectively loops through all observations in the treatment group, ordered by PSM score - higher scores go first.
  sorted_dta <- dta@data[order(dta@data$PSM_trtProb),]
  #Conduct the matching
  str_trted <- paste("treated <- sorted_dta[sorted_dta$",trtMntVar, "== 1,]",sep="")
  str_untrted <- paste("untreated <- sorted_dta[sorted_dta$",trtMntVar,"==0,]",sep="")
  it_cnt = min(length(treated[[1]]), length(untreated[[1]]))
  dta@data$match <- -999
  dta@data$PSM_distance <- -999
  dta@data$PSM_match_ID <- -999
  #Calculate a distance decay function
  #to perturb pairs based on their distances.  
  for (j in 1:it_cnt)
    str_trted <- paste("treated <- sorted_dta[sorted_dta$",trtMntVar, "== 1,]",sep="")
    str_untrted <- paste("untreated <- sorted_dta[sorted_dta$",trtMntVar,"==0,]",sep="")
    #Run the KNN for all neighbors. 
    k <- get.knnx(treated$PSM_trtProb, untreated$PSM_trtProb, 1)
    #Perturb the values based on the distance decay function, if selected.
      for(mC in 1:length(k[[1]]))
        #Calculate the Euclidean Distance between pairs
        cid_txt = paste("untreated$",ids,"[",mC,"]",sep="")
        Control_ID = toString(eval(parse(text=cid_txt)))
        mT = k$nn.index[mC]
        tid_txt = paste("treated$",ids,"[",mT,"]",sep="")
        Treatment_ID = toString(eval(parse(text=tid_txt)))
        #Find the control x,y location
        cCoord_e = paste("coordinates(dta[which(dta@data$",ids," == Control_ID),])", sep="")
        cCoord = eval(parse(text=cCoord_e))

        #Find the treatment x,y location
        tCoord_e = paste("coordinates(dta[which(dta@data$",ids," == Treatment_ID),])", sep="")
        tCoord = eval(parse(text=tCoord_e))

        y_dist = abs(cCoord[1] - cCoord[2])
        x_dist = abs(tCoord[1] - tCoord[2])
        euc_dist = sqrt(y_dist^2 + x_dist^2)
        PSM_score = k$nn.dist[mC]
        geog_Weight = pairDistWeight(dist=euc_dist,threshold=dist_PSM,type="Spherical")

        k$nn.dist[mC] <- ((1-geog_Weight) * PSM_score)

    #Add the matched treatment and control values to the recording data frame
    #best_m_control is the row in the "distance" matrix with the lowest value.  This is the same row as in the index.
    best_m_control = which(k$nn.dist %in% sort(k$nn.dist)[1])
    #This will give us the matched index in the "treated" dataset.
    best_m_treated = k$nn.index[best_m_control]
    #Control PSM ID
    cid_txt = paste("untreated$",ids,"[",best_m_control,"]",sep="")
    Control_ID = toString(eval(parse(text=cid_txt)))
    #Treatment PSM ID
    tid_txt = paste("treated$",ids,"[",best_m_treated,"]",sep="")
    Treatment_ID = toString(eval(parse(text=tid_txt)))
    #Create a unique pair ID for each group (will simply append a "1" if only 1 group)
    pair_id = paste(curgrp,j,sep="")
    #Add the Treatment ID to the Control Row 
    tid_a_1 = paste("dta@data$match[which(dta@data$",ids," == Control_ID)] = Treatment_ID", sep="")
    tid_a_2 = paste("dta@data$PSM_distance[which(dta@data$",ids," == Control_ID)] = k$nn.dist[,1][best_m_control]",sep="")
    tid_a_3 = paste("dta@data$PSM_match_ID[which(dta@data$",ids," == Control_ID)] = pair_id", sep="")
    #Add the Control ID to the Treatment Row
    cid_a_1 = paste("dta@data$match[which(dta@data$",ids," == Treatment_ID)] = Control_ID", sep="")
    cid_a_2 = paste("dta@data$PSM_distance[which(dta@data$",ids," == Treatment_ID)] = k$nn.dist[,1][best_m_control]", sep="")
    cid_a_3 = paste("dta@data$PSM_match_ID[which(dta@data$",ids," == Treatment_ID)] = pair_id", sep="")
    #Drop the paired match out of the iteration matrix 
    did_a_1 = paste("sorted_dta <- sorted_dta[sorted_dta$",ids,"!= Treatment_ID ,]",sep="")
    did_a_2 = paste("sorted_dta <- sorted_dta[sorted_dta$",ids,"!= Control_ID ,]",sep="")
itpir/SCI documentation built on May 18, 2019, 7:10 a.m.