
Defines functions get_user_id check_api check_queue check_division check_tier route_tft get_url

Documented in check_api check_division check_queue check_tier get_url get_user_id route_tft

# Glue URL
#' Title
#' @param url URL end point
#' @param api Riot API
#' @param dry_run If True return url
#' @export
get_url = function(url, api, dry_run = FALSE) {
  url <- httr::modify_url(
    url = glue::glue(url),
    query = list(api_key = api)
  ) %>%
    stringr::str_replace_all(" ", "+")

  if (dry_run) {
  } else {
    data <- httr::GET(url)

  if (data$status_code != 200) {
    msg <- httr::content(data)$status$message
    status_code <- data$status_code

    output <- glue::glue("GET error: {msg} (Status Code: {status_code}, URL: {url})")
  } else {

#' Route TFT region
#' @param region region
#' @export
route_tft <- function(region) {
  region <- tolower(region)
  if (stringr::str_detect(region, "(oc)|(na)|(br)|(la)|(las)")) {
    output <- "americas"
  } else if (stringr::str_detect(region, "(kr)|(jp)")) {
    output <- "asia"
  } else if (stringr::str_detect(region, "(eu)|(tr)|(ru)")) {
    output <- "europe"
  } else {
    stop(glue::glue("{region} not defined"))


#' Check tier input
#' @param tier Input for tier
#' @export
check_tier <- function(tier) {
  tier <- toupper(tier)

  if (tier == "DIAMOND" || tier == "PLATINUM" || tier == "GOLD" ||
      tier == "SILVER" || tier == "BRONZE" || tier == "IRON") {
  } else {
    warning(glue::glue("Incorrect tier, got {tier},
                       expected: DIAMOND, PLATINUM, GOLD, SILVER, BRONZE, IRON"))

#' Check division input
#' @param division Input for division
#' @export
check_division <- function(division) {
  # If input is numeric then do conversion
  if(!is.character(division)) {
    division <- switch(

    # If input is out of range then it'll return NULL
    if (is.null(division)) {
      warning("Incorrect input")

  # Check if input is one of the 4 division
  if (division == "I" || division == "II" ||
      division == "III"|| division == "IV") {
  } else {
    warning("Incorrect input")


#' Check queue input
#' @param queue Queue name, acceptable input: RANKED_SOLO_5x5, RANKED_FLEX_SR, RANKED_FLEX_TT
#' @export
check_queue <- function(queue) {
  if (queue == "RANKED_SOLO_5x5" || queue == "RANKED_FLEX_SR" || queue == "RANKED_FLEX_TT") {
  } else {
    warning(glue::glue("Incorrect queue name, got: {queue}"))

#' Check if api key is valid
#' @param api Riot API
#' @param game Game to test API on. Note development key will work on any game
#' but production key might be limited your focused game. Acceptable input:
#' tft, league, any
#' @export
check_api <- function(api, game = "any") {
  game <- tolower(game)

  if (game == "league") {
    data <- httr::GET(glue::glue("https://oc1.api.riotgames.com/lol/status/v3/shard-data?api_key={api}"))
  } else if (game == "tft") {
    data <- httr::GET(glue::glue("https://oc1.api.riotgames.com/tft/league/v1/challenger?api_key={api}"))
  } else {
    data <- httr::GET(glue::glue("https://oc1.api.riotgames.com/lol/platform/v3/champion-rotations?api_key={api}"))

  if (data$status_code != 200) {
  } else {

#' Get user's id
#' @param name User name
#' @param api Riot API
#' @param region User's region
#' @param game Gamemode. Acceptable input: tft, league, any. Default to any
#' @export
get_user_id <- function(name, region, api, game = "any") {
  # Make sure API is valid
  if(!check_api(api, game)) {
    stop("Invalid API")

  # Get data base on input
  if (game == "league" | game == "any") {
    data <- httr::GET(glue::glue("https://{region}.api.riotgames.com/lol/summoner/v4/summoners/by-name/{name}?api_key={api}"))
  } else if (game == "tft") {
    data <- httr::GET(glue::glue("https://{region}.api.riotgames.com/tft/summoner/summoners/by-name/{name}?api_key={api}"))
  } else {
    stop(glue::glue("invalid game input, got: {game}"))

  # Sanity check
  if (data$status_code != 200) {stop(glue::glue("Cannot access data, error: {content(data)}"))}

its-gazza/riotR documentation built on July 12, 2020, 12:06 a.m.