

# ==== TFT API ==== #
#' @title R6 Class for Teamfight Tactics end point (TFT)
#' @description R6 class to access the Teamfight Tactics API. This class is
#'   base on the different API path as illustrated in the Riot API website.
#' @exportClass tft
#' @export
tft <- R6::R6Class(
  classname = "tft",
  public = list(
    # ---- Initialize Variables ---- #
    #' @field api Riot API
    api = NA,
    #' @field region API region, acceptable values: BR1, EUN1, EUW1, JP1, KR, LA1, LA2, NA1, OC1, TR1, RU
    region = NA,
    #' @field dry_run If true all end point call will return glued URL
    dry_run = FALSE,
    #' @field league TFT search by league end points. See [tft_league] for more info
    league = NULL,
    #' @field match TFT search by match end points. See [tft_match] for more info
    match = NULL,
    #' @field summoner TFT search by summoner end points. See [tft_summoner] for more info
    summoner = NULL,

    # ---- Constructor ---- #
    #' @description
    #' Create a new tft object
    #' @param api Riot API
    #' @param region Access region
    #' @param dry_run Whether to call API
    #' @return A new `tft` object
    initialize = function(api, region, dry_run = FALSE) {
      self$api <- api
      self$region <- region
      self$dry_run <- FALSE
      self$league <- tft_league$new(api = self$api, dry_run = dry_run, region = self$region)
      self$match <- tft_match$new(api = self$api, dry_run = dry_run, region = self$region)
      self$summoner <- tft_summoner$new(api = self$api, dry_run = dry_run, region = self$region)

# ==== TFT League End Points ==== #
#' @title TFT League End Point R6 class
#' @description Sub class for [tft] to access [TFT-LEAGUE-V1](https://developer.riotgames.com/apis#tft-league-v1)
#'   end points.
#' @exportClass tft_league
#' @export
tft_league <- R6::R6Class(
  classname = "tft_league",
  public = list(
    # ---- Initialize Variables ---- #
    #' @field api Riot API
    api = NA,
    #' @field region API region, acceptable values: BR1, EUN1, EUW1, JP1, KR, LA1, LA2, NA1, OC1, TR1, RU
    region = NA,
    #' @field dry_run If true all end point call will return glued URL
    dry_run = FALSE,

    # ---- Constructor ---- #
    #' @description
    #' Create a new tft object
    #' @param api Riot API
    #' @param region Access region
    #' @param dry_run Whether to call API
    #' @return A new `tft` object
    initialize = function(api, region, dry_run) {
      self$api <- api
      self$region <- region
      self$dry_run <- dry_run

    # ---- Methods ---- #
    # Challenger ====
    #' @description
    #' Get challenger league.
    #' For more info see [here](https://developer.riotgames.com/apis#tft-league-v1/GET_getChallengerLeague)
    #' @param region Region to query. Default to class's region. Can overwrite.
    challenger = function(region = self$region, dry_run = self$dry_run) {
      url <- riotR::get_url(
        url = glue::glue("{private$base_url}/challenger") %>% glue,
        api = self$api,
        dry_run = dry_run)

    # Grandmaster ====
    #' @description
    #' Get grandmaster league.
    #' For more info see [here](https://developer.riotgames.com/apis#tft-league-v1/GET_getGrandmasterLeague)
    #' @param region Region to query. Default to class's region. Can overwrite.
    grandmaster = function(region = self$region, dry_run = self$dry_run) {
      url <- riotR::get_url(
        url = glue::glue("{private$base_url}/grandmaster") %>% glue,
        api = self$api,
        dry_run = dry_run

    # Master ====
    #' @description
    #' Get master league.
    #' For more info see [here](https://developer.riotgames.com/apis#tft-league-v1/GET_getMasterLeague)
    #' @param region Region to query. Default to class's region. Can overwrite.
    master = function(region = self$region, dry_run = self$dry_run) {
      url <- riotR::get_url(
        url = glue::glue("{private$base_url}/master") %>% glue,
        api = self$api,
        dry_run = dry_run

    # Search by summoner ====
    #' @description
    #' Search client by
    by_summoner = function(summonerName = NULL, region = self$region, dry_run = self$dry_run) {
      url <- riotR::get_url(
        url = glue::glue("{private$base_url}/entries/by-summoner/{summonerName}") %>% glue,
        api = self$api,
        dry_run = dry_run

    # Search by tier ====
    by_tier = function(tier = NULL, division = NULL, region = self$region, dry_run = self$dry_run) {
      tier <- check_tier(tier)
      division <- check_division(division)
      url <- riotR::get_url(
        url = glue::glue("{private$base_url}/entries/{tier}/{division}") %>% glue,
        api = self$api,
        dry_run = dry_run


    # Search by leagueId ====
    by_leagueId = function(leagueId, region = self$region, dry_run = self$dry_run) {
      url <- riotR::get_url(
        url = glue::glue("{private$base_url}/leagues/{leagueId}") %>% glue,
        api = self$api,
        dry_run = dry_run

  # ---- Private Methods ---- #
  private = list(
    base_url = "https://{region}.api.riotgames.com/tft/league/v1"


# ==== TFT Match End Points ==== #
tft_match <- R6::R6Class(
  classname = "tft_match",
  public = list(
    # ---- Initialize Variables ---- #
    api = NA,
    region = NA,
    dry_run = FALSE,

    # ---- Constructor ---- #
    initialize = function(api, region, dry_run) {
      self$api <- api
      self$region <- region
      self$dry_run <- dry_run

    # ---- Methods ---- #
    # Search by tier ====
    by_puuid = function(puuid, region = self$region, dry_run = self$dry_run) {
      region <- route_tft(region)
      url <- riotR::get_url(
        url = glue::glue("{private$base_url}/by-puuid/{puuid}/ids") %>% glue,
        api = self$api,
        dry_run = dry_run

    # Search by match ID
    by_matchId = function(matchId, region = self$region, dry_run = self$dry_run) {
      region <- route_tft(region)
      url <- riotR::get_url(
        url = glue::glue("{private$base_url}/{matchId}") %>% glue,
        api = self$api,
        dry_run = dry_run


  # ---- Private Methods ---- #
  private = list(
    base_url = "https://{region}.api.riotgames.com/tft/match/v1/matches"

# ==== TFT Summoner End Points ==== #
tft_summoner <- R6::R6Class(
  classname = "tft_summoner",
  public = list(
    # ---- Initialize Variables ---- #
    api = NA,
    region = NA,
    dry_run = FALSE,

    # ---- Constructor ---- #
    initialize = function(api, region, dry_run) {
      self$api <- api
      self$region <- region
      self$dry_run <- dry_run

    # ---- Methods ---- #
    # Search by account id ====
    by_account = function(encryptedAccountId, region = self$region, dry_run = self$dry_run) {
      url <- riotR::get_url(
        url = glue::glue("{private$base_url}/by-account/{encryptedAccountId}") %>% glue,
        api = self$api,
        dry_run = dry_run

    # Search by summoner name
    by_name = function(summonerName, region = self$region, dry_run = self$dry_run) {
      base_url <- glue::glue("{private$base_url}")
      url <- get_url(
        url = glue::glue("{private$base_url}/by-name/{summonerName}") %>% glue,
        api = self$api,
        dry_run = dry_run

    # Sarch by puuid
    by_puuid = function(encryptedPUUID, region = self$region, dry_run = self$dry_run) {
      url <- riotR::get_url(
        url = glue::glue("{private$base_url}/by-puuid/{encryptedPUUID}") %>% glue,
        api = self$api,
        dry_run = dry_run

    # Search by summoner id
    by_summonerId = function(encryptedSummonerId, region = self$region, dry_run = self$dry_run) {
      url <- riotR::get_url(
        url = glue::glue("{private$base_url}/{encryptedSummonerId}") %>% glue,
        api = self$api,
        dry_run = dry_run

  # ---- Private Methods ---- #
  private = list(
    base_url = "https://{region}.api.riotgames.com/tft/summoner/v1/summoners"
its-gazza/riotR documentation built on July 12, 2020, 12:06 a.m.